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Using Globus on DARWIN
Unlike Globus on the Caviness cluster, Globus on the DARWIN cluster does not require a staging area and features two distinct collections
- one for University of Delaware users ("UD DARWIN Cluster - Home and Lustre")
- one for ACCESS users ("ACCESS UD DARWIN").
There are no guest collections enabled on DARWIN.
Accessing the collection
Start by navigating to the Globus web application ( in your web browser. If you have previously logged-in, you will be taken directly to the dashboard. Otherwise:
- Choose the University of Delaware as your organization and click the Continue button; on the next page enter your UDelNet Id and Password and continue on to the dashboard.
Click the “File Manager” button <insert button image» on the left side-panel. In the search box at the top of the page, enter "UD Darwin and click the magnifying glass icon:
* <insert image>
Depending on your account type, click on one of the collections ("ACCESS UD DARWIN" or "UD DARWIN Cluster - Home and Lustre")
Upon successful activation the collection, you should see the two primary directories listed: "home" and "lustre":
* <insert image>
=== Getting files off DARWIN ===
* Files will be visible on your Globus endpoint, if they are in the "home" (
$HOME) and "workgroup" (
$WORKDIR) directories.
* For group projects, make sure files are located within the appropriate workgroup directory to ensure they are accessible by members of that workgroup via Globus.
=== Moving data to DARWIN ===
* Files copied to "home" (
$HOME) or "workgroup" (
$WORKDIR) directories via Globus will be directly accessible on the DARWINcluster.
PLEASE BE AWARE that all data moved to Darwin will be consuming storage space either on a user’s home or their group’s storage quota. Users are responsible for managing their data storage to avoid reaching capacity.
===== Finding your directories =====
You can find your uid number using the id command:
<code bash>
$ id -u
Your directories can be found at
/home/<uid#> or