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Abaqus on Caviness

Abaqus requires user(s) to use purchase a license in order to gain access to the license server to actually use the software. This requires some amount of setup for each workgroup to do in order to use Abaqus on Caviness. One can define an environment variable that can be set to the license server "path" (<port>@<hostname>). However, there's a shortcut discussed at the top of Abaqus's VALET package definition on Caviness as shown below:

# You MUST set ABAQUSLM_LICENSE_FILE in your environment to point
# to your Abaqus license server.  Workgroups can create the file
#   ${WORKDIR}/sw/abaqus/license-server
# containing the FLEXlm license path they use for Abaqus, and
# this package will set ABAQUSLM_LICENSE_FILE to the contents of
# that file.

Abaqus VALET package have a scripted component to their VALET actions. It checks for the file mentioned above and sets the appropriate license environment variable to that file's content. By putting the above file in the directory specified above, it is locked-down to the workgroup only and all members in the workgroup have access to Abaqus, and it doesn't require any modification to login files or job scripts.

vpkg_require abaqus

The VALET package for Abaqus is available to everyone on Caviness, and will load as expected. However, in order to use Abaqus, it will only work if the above file exists in the proper directory location with the appropriate license server <port>@<hostname> information which is only provided upon purchasing a license.

  • software/abaqus/caviness.1539128048.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2018-10-09 19:34
  • by anita