

LLNL (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) offers most their training materials online. The workshops focus on parallel programming, parallel tools, and the use of its High Performance Computing (HPC) systems.

University of Delaware commissioned a three-part lecture series in 2012 covering the basics concepts of parallelism and parallelism on HPC clusters.

Topics covered include thinking in parallel, Flynn’s taxonomy, types of parallelism, parallelism basics,
design patterns for parallel programs and using GNU gprof. (slides) (video - part 1) (video - part 2)

Topics covered include OpenMP and MPI programming models.(slides) (video)

Topics covered include more on MPI, vectorization, OpenACC and OpenCL. (slides) (video)

  • training/parallelism/parllelism.txt
  • Last modified: 2021-10-12 13:55
  • by anita