
This is an old revision of the document!

The following instructions were adapted from installing personal/program specific R libraries and extensions on Caviness.

  • rlang - needed to install an updated version for other requested packages
  • Rcpp - needed to install an updated version for other requested packages
  • ranger - install first gets loaded by VSURF
  • randomForest
  • plyr
  • ipred
  • e1071
  • quantregForest
  • car
  • rgdal
  • rasterVis
  • Raster
  • units - needed to install an updated version for other requested packages
  • sf - needed updated version
  • reproducible - needed updated version
  • SpaDES
  • foreach
  • doParallel
  • openxlsx
  • DescTools
  • ggplot2

Packages in bold were not requested, but necessary in order to update the R packages requested.

There is much research required to determine what other software needs to be loaded via VALET, plus which packages need to be updated and in what order so the list of requested packages will install correctly. For this example, SpaDES, is one of the packages we want to install so use SpaDES: Develop and Run Spatially Explicit Discrete Event Simulation Models to see the dependencies and imports required. This step should be repeated for each package.

Make sure you connect to Caviness with X11 enable (Xming for Windows, XQuartz for Mac) before starting as some of the packages need X11 to compile properly.

Next make sure you are in your workgroup (ie. workgroup -g «investing_entity»).

Next choose a directory in which to install the R libraries. This will depend on a number of factors, but mostly the version of R. The strings «r-version» and «rlibs-name» will denote the version of R and the name chosen for the R libraries – this recipe will use r3.5.1 and spatial-env. Do not locate this directory under the /lustre/scratch file system; typically a directory under the workgroup's storage is appropriate:

  • If adding the R libraries for multiple users in the workgroup, choose ${WORKDIR}/sw/r/add-ons/«r-version»/«rlibs-name»/default as the base directory.
  • If the R libraries are solely for personal use, choose ${WORKDIR}/users/<username>/sw/r/add-ons/«r-version»/«rlibs-name»/default, for example.

Note that these examples assume a standard workgroup storage layout with group-writable sw and users directories at the top level. Create the directory:

$ mkdir -p ${WORKDIR}/sw/r/add-ons/r3.5.1/spatial-env/default

Now load all the packages via VALET that are needed to install the R libraries and add the new path to the R_LIBS environment variable for the installation. Due to the number of packages and environment variables required, it is best to create a script called setup-«rlibs-name».sh. This script serves also a document for future installations to know what packages and environment variables were required for the installation.

$ cat
# usage: source
# clear environment
vpkg_rollback all
# Load software via VALET and set environment variables
# that are needed to install requested R packages:
# ranger VSURF plyr randomForest ipred e1071 quantregForest
# car rgdal raster rasterVis SpaDES foreach doParallel
# openxlsx DescTools ggplot2
vpkg_devrequire r/3.5.1:mkl-thr
vpkg_devrequire r-cran/3.5.1:20180715
vpkg_devrequire gdal/2.3.0
vpkg_devrequire proj/5.1.0
vpkg_devrequire netcdf/4.6.1
vpkg_devrequire udunits/2.2.26
vpkg_devrequire geos/3.6.2
# Add the new R library path created to the R_LIBS environment
# (i.e.) based on doing "mkdir -p ${WORKDIR}/sw/r/add-ons/r3.5.1/spatial-env/default" 
# display R_LIBS with the new R libraries directory added
echo ${R_LIBS} 

In most cases, creating a R script will be necessary due to the large number of packages and information required to install each library such as install-«rlibs-name».R. This is better suited due to the amount of typing, potential mistakes and again a way of documenting your steps for future installations. For this example we will call it install-spatial-env.R

$ more install-spatial-env.R
# usage: R CMD BATCH install-spatial-env.R &
chooseCRANmirror(ind = 56)
install.packages("rlang", type = "source", dependencies=TRUE)
install.packages("Rcpp", type = "source", dependencies=TRUE)
install.packages("ranger", type = "source", configure.args=c('--with-proj-lib=/opt/shared/proj/5.1.0/lib', '--with-proj-include=/opt/shared/proj/5.1.0/include'), dependencies = TRUE)
install.packages("randomForest", type = "source", configure.args=c('--with-proj-lib=/opt/shared/proj/5.1.0/lib', '--with-proj-include=/opt/shared/proj/5.1.0/include'), dependencies = TRUE)
install.packages("VSURF", type = "source", configure.args=c('--with-proj-lib=/opt/shared/proj/5.1.0/lib', '--with-proj-include=/opt/shared/proj/5.1.0/include'), dependencies = TRUE)
install.packages("plyr", type = "source", configure.args=c('--with-proj-lib=/opt/shared/proj/5.1.0/lib', '--with-proj-include=/opt/shared/proj/5.1.0/include'), dependencies = TRUE)
install.packages("ipred", type = "source", configure.args=c('--with-proj-lib=/opt/shared/proj/5.1.0/lib', '--with-proj-include=/opt/shared/proj/5.1.0/include'), dependencies = TRUE)
install.packages("e1071", type = "source", configure.args=c('--with-proj-lib=/opt/shared/proj/5.1.0/lib', '--with-proj-include=/opt/shared/proj/5.1.0/include'), dependencies = TRUE)
install.packages("quantregForest", type = "source", configure.args=c('--with-proj-lib=/opt/shared/proj/5.1.0/lib', '--with-proj-include=/opt/shared/proj/5.1.0/include'), dependencies = TRUE)
install.packages("car", type = "source", configure.args=c('--with-proj-lib=/opt/shared/proj/5.1.0/lib', '--with-proj-include=/opt/shared/proj/5.1.0/include'), dependencies = TRUE)
install.packages("rgdal", type = "source", configure.args=c('--with-proj-lib=/opt/shared/proj/5.1.0/lib', '--with-proj-include=/opt/shared/proj/5.1.0/include'), dependencies = TRUE)
install.packages("rasterVis", type = "source", configure.args=c('--with-proj-lib=/opt/shared/proj/5.1.0/lib', '--with-proj-include=/opt/shared/proj/5.1.0/include'), dependencies = TRUE)
install.packages("raster", type = "source", configure.args=c('--with-proj-lib=/opt/shared/proj/5.1.0/lib', '--with-proj-include=/opt/shared/proj/5.1.0/include'), dependencies = TRUE)
install.packages("units", type = "source", configure.args=c('--with-udunits2-lib=/opt/shared/udunits/2.2.26/lib', '--with-udunits2-include=/opt/shared/udunits/2.2.26/include'), dependencies=TRUE)
install.packages("sf", dependencies = TRUE)
install.packages("reproducible", type = "source", dependencies = TRUE)
install.packages("SpaDES", type = "source", configure.args=c('--with-udunits2-lib=/opt/shared/udunits/2.2.26/lib', '--with-udunits2-include=/opt/shared/udunits/2.2.26/include'), dependencies=TRUE)

Now install the R libraries by running the R script

R CMD BATCH install-spatial-env.R &

and by using & it will run the R script in the background as this installation may take a long time. When the R script has finished you should see something like the following at the of the output file isntall-spatial-env.Rout

> proc.time()
    user   system  elapsed
 779.450   84.861 1262.779
  • technical/recipes/r-in-rlibs.1599172658.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2020-09-03 18:37
  • by anita