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OpenMM Python Virtual Environment

This page documents the creation of a Python virtual environment (virtualenv) containing the OpenMM software on the Caviness HPC system1). It assumes that the user is adding the software to the workgroup storage.

Prepare to add software in the standard sub-directories of the workgroup storage:

[user@login01 ~]$ workgroup -g my_workgroup
[(my_workgroup:user)@login01 ~]$ mkdir --mode=2775 --parent ${WORKDIR}/sw/tensorflow
[(my_workgroup:user)@login01 ~]$ mkdir --mode=2775 --parent ${WORKDIR}/sw/valet

These commands create any missing directories. All directories created will have group-write and -inherit permissions.

The steps should also work on the DARWIN HPC system, though with different package versions.
  • technical/recipes/openmm.1722275182.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2024-07-29 13:46
  • by bkang