
This is an old revision of the document!

The following instructions were adapted from installing personal/program specific R libraries and extensions on Caviness.

  • rlang - needed to install an updated version for other requested packages
  • Rcpp - needed to install an updated version for other requested packages
  • ranger - install first gets loaded by VSURF
  • randomForest
  • plyr
  • ipred
  • e1071
  • quantregForest
  • car
  • rgdal
  • rasterVis
  • Raster
  • units - needed to install an updated version for other requested packages
  • sf - needed updated version
  • reproducible - needed updated version
  • SpaDES
  • foreach
  • doParallel
  • openxlsx
  • DescTools
  • ggplot2

Packages in bold were not requested, but necessary in order to update the R packages requested.

There is much research required to determine what other software needs to be loaded via VALET, plus which packages need to be updated and in what order so the list of requested packages will install correctly. For this example, SpaDES, is one of the packages we want to install so use SpaDES: Develop and Run Spatially Explicit Discrete Event Simulation Models to see the dependencies and imports required. This step should be repeated for each package.

Make sure you connect to Caviness with X11 enable (Xming for Windows, XQuartz for Mac) before starting as some of the packages need X11 to compile properly. Next make sure you are in your workgroup (ie. workgroup -g «investing_entity» )

  • technical/recipes/r-in-rlibs.1599164038.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2020-09-03 16:13
  • by anita