
This is an old revision of the document!

Farber account requests

All Farber cluster accounts must be sponsored by a Farber stakeholder for a particular investing-entity.

To request a Farber account to be added or removed, the Farber stakeholder may

  • contact the principle stakeholder for the investing-entity on Farber and provide the sponsored users' full name and email address.


The cluster's compute nodes are organizationally identified by UD research group names. A stakeholder is a UD researcher who contributed financially to a node's purchase. An investing-entity consists of the stakeholders who combined funds to purchase a particular compute node or set of nodes. Each investing-entity has a principal stakeholder who is the administrative point of contact for its compute nodes.

There are two types of cluster accounts: stakeholders and sponsored users. Sponsored users are researchers having at least one stakeholder willing to share his/her cluster resources (compute nodes, storage allocation).

For each investing-entity, the principal stakeholder is responsible for establishing and enforcing group-use policies for his/her sponsored users.

Each cluster's principle stakeholder can request to add or remove access for a sponsored user on his/her investing-entity by submitting a Research Computing Help Request selecting High-Performance Computing and appropriate cluster for problem details. Please include in the problem description to add or remove
  • UD community members: UDelNet ID and full name
  • Guests: Full name and email address (preferably a university, institution or organization; not personal)

If you are a UD community member, your cluster username and password are the same as your UDelNet ID and password. You may change your UDelNet ID or password on the UD network page, but it is only synced at noon and midnight daily.

If you are not a UD community member, IT will create a username having the form hpcguest«uid», and an initial password for you. It is based on the unique, 4-digit numerical identifier IT assigns to you. You can change your password viaUD IT HPC page. The new password will immediately take effect on HPC systems.

Your password should always comply with UD's password recommendations.

Command Function
hpc-user-info -a «username» Display info about a user
hpc-user-info -h Display complete syntax

For example,

[traine@mills ~]$ hpc-user-info -a traine
full-name = Student Training
last-name = Student Training
home-directory = /home/1201
email-address = traine@udel.edu

The cluster groups of which you are a member determine which computing nodes, job queues, and storage resources you may use. Each group has a unique descriptive group name (gname). There are two categories of group names: class and investing-entity.

The class category: All users belong to the group named everyone. Members of the UD community also belong to the group named ud-user. Non-UD users are members of the group named hpc-guests. Other group names currently include facstaff, students, and stakeholders.

The investing-entity category: Each investing-entity has a unique group name (e.g., nanotech or the principal stakeholder's username) also referred to as workgroup. The investing-entity's stakeholders and its sponsored users are members of that cluster group. To see the usernames of all members of an investing-entity's group, type the getent group «investing_entity» command.

For example, the command below will display the usernames of the it_css members.

getent group it_css

Together, gentent group and hpc-user-info -a let you determine the identities of a group's members.

  • abstract/farber/account.1518139340.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2018-02-08 20:22
  • by sraskar