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technical:recipes:openmm [2024-07-29 14:42] bkangtechnical:recipes:openmm [2024-07-29 14:50] (current) – [VALET Package Definition] bkang
Line 102: Line 102:
 would be added to ''${WORKDIR}/sw/valet/openmm.vpkg_yaml''. would be added to ''${WORKDIR}/sw/valet/openmm.vpkg_yaml''.
-With a properly-constructed package definition file, you can now check for your versions of TensorFlow:+===== Using the Virtual Environment ===== 
 +The versions of the virtual environment declared in the VALET package are listed using the ''vpkg_versions'' command:
 <code bash> <code bash>
-[(it_nss:frey)@login00 ~]$ vpkg_versions tensorflow+$ vpkg_versions openmm
 Available versions in package (* = default version): Available versions in package (* = default version):
-[/work/my_workgroup/sw/valet/tensorflow.vpkg_yaml] +[/work/it_css/sw/valet/openmm.vpkg_yaml] 
-tensorflow               TensorFlow Python environments +openmm      openmm within a conda virtualenv 
-2.2.0:gpu              2.2.0 with GPU support +20240726  environment built July 26, 2024 
-  2.3.0:intel,python3.8  2.3.0 with Python 3.8Intel optimizations +</code> 
-   + 
-     :+You can import openmm, activating the virtual environment is accomplished using the ''vpkg_require'' command (in your login shell or inside job scripts)
 +<code bash> 
 +$ vpkg_require openmm/20240726 
 +Adding dependency `anaconda/2024.02` to your environment 
 +Adding package `openmm/20240726` to your environment 
 +(/work/it_css/sw/openmm/20240726)$ python 
 +Python 3.12.4 | packaged by conda-forge | (mainJun 17 2024, 10:23:07) [GCC 12.3.0] on linux 
 +Type "help""copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. 
 +>>> import openmm as mm 
 </code> </code>
  • technical/recipes/openmm.1722278570.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2024-07-29 14:42
  • by bkang