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technical:recipes:ls-dyna [2024-06-07 11:46] freytechnical:recipes:ls-dyna [2024-06-07 12:51] (current) – [VALET package definition] frey
Line 21: Line 21:
 For this example, LS-DYNA will be installed in a workgroup's storage.  The base path ''$WORKDIR'' will be referenced in this recipe, which implies that prior to installation the ''workgroup'' command was used to spawn a workgroup shell.  The recipe assumes version R15.0.2 and the variants mentioned above. For this example, LS-DYNA will be installed in a workgroup's storage.  The base path ''$WORKDIR'' will be referenced in this recipe, which implies that prior to installation the ''workgroup'' command was used to spawn a workgroup shell.  The recipe assumes version R15.0.2 and the variants mentioned above.
-===== Directory Organization =====+===== Directory organization =====
-The LS-DYNA software packages must be downloaded to the cluster.  To facilitate that, a directory must be created to hold those files:+The LS-DYNA software packages must be downloaded to the cluster.  To facilitate that, a directory must be created to hold those files.  Rather than type-out the full path every time, the variable ''LS_DYNA_PREFIX'' will be set to the base directory containing LS-DYNA software:
 <code bash> <code bash>
-mkdir -p "${WORKDIR}/sw/ls-dyna/attic/15.0.2"+LS_DYNA_PREFIX="${WORKDIR}/sw/ls-dyna
 +$ mkdir -p "${LS_DYNA_PREFIX}/attic/15.0.2"
 </code> </code>
Line 32: Line 33:
 <code bash> <code bash>
-$ wget --directory-prefix="${WORKDIR}/sw/ls-dyna/attic/15.0.2" \+$ wget --directory-prefix="${LS_DYNA_PREFIX}/attic/15.0.2" \
        --user=<USERNAME> --password=<PASSWORD> \        --user=<USERNAME> --password=<PASSWORD> \
        '<DOWNLOAD-URL>'        '<DOWNLOAD-URL>'
Line 46: Line 47:
 <code bash> <code bash>
-$ ls -l "${WORKDIR}/sw/ls-dyna/attic/15.0.2"+$ ls -l "${LS_DYNA_PREFIX}/attic/15.0.2"
 total 234420 total 234420
 -rw-r--r-- 1 user group 140454912 Apr  7 22:15 -rw-r--r-- 1 user group 140454912 Apr  7 22:15
Line 60: Line 61:
 <code bash> <code bash>
-$ mkdir -p "${WORKDIR}/sw/ls-dyna/15.0.2/"{sse2,avx2,avx512}/{smp,hyb,mpp}/{double,single}+$ mkdir -p "${LS_DYNA_PREFIX}/15.0.2/"{sse2,avx2,avx512}/{smp,hyb,mpp}/{double,single}
 </code> </code>
Line 68: Line 69:
 <code bash> <code bash>
-$ pushd "${WORKDIR}/sw/ls-dyna/15.0.2/avx2/hyb/single" +$ pushd "${LS_DYNA_PREFIX}/15.0.2/avx2/hyb/single" 
-$ sh "${WORKDIR}/sw/ls-dyna/attic/15.0.2/"+$ sh "${LS_DYNA_PREFIX}/attic/15.0.2/"
 </code> </code>
Line 107: Line 108:
 ==== Open MPI install ==== ==== Open MPI install ====
-The procedure here will not include commentary, but is present as succinctly as possible.  The process starts with setup of the directories and unpacking of the source code:+The procedure is presented as succinctly as possible and starts with setup of the directories and unpacking of the source code:
 <code bash> <code bash>
Line 145: Line 146:
 </code> </code>
-If the configuration is successful, the software is built and installed (this will take some time):+If the configuration is successful, the software can be built and installed (this will take some time):
 <code bash> <code bash>
Line 166: Line 167:
 </code> </code>
 +=== VALET package definition ===
 +To make this version of Open MPI available to your LS-DYNA installs, a VALET package definition file should be created.  The text ''<OPENMPI-INSTALL-DIR>'' should be replaced with the base installation path used above (e.g. ''/work/group/sw/openmpi'').
 +<WRAP center round alert 80%>
 +If the workgroup already has an existing ''${WORKDIR}/sw/valet/openmpi.vpkg_yaml'' file, the new version should be added to that file:  do not simply overwrite the file with the content shown below!
 +For the configuration made on Caviness above:
 +<file yaml openmpi.vpkg_yaml>
 +    description:         "Open MPI: Message-Passing Interface"
 +    url:       
 +    prefix:              <OPENMPI-INSTALL-DIR>
 +    versions:
 +        "4.0.5:intel19,ls-dyna":
 +            description:     Open MPI 4.0.5 for LS-DYNA, Intel 2019
 +            dependencies:
 +                - intel/2019
 +                - libfabric/1.17.1
 +On DARWIN, the file is slightly different.
 +<file yaml openmpi.vpkg_yaml>
 +    description:         "Open MPI: Message-Passing Interface"
 +    url:       
 +    prefix:              <OPENMPI-INSTALL-DIR>
 +    versions:
 +        "4.0.5:intel19,ls-dyna":
 +            description:     Open MPI 4.0.5 for LS-DYNA, Intel 2019
 +            dependencies:
 +                - intel/2019
 +===== VALET package definition =====
 +With the necessary dependencies satisfied, a VALET package definition for LS-DYNA can be created.  Assuming this is the first time LS-DYNA is being installed, the file will need to be created as it appears below; if versions/variants are added in the future, that file should be augmented with just the new version/variant information.  The ''<LS_DYNA_PREFIX>'' text must be replaced in the package definition with the value of that environment variable that was assigned at the beginning of this recipe:
 +<code bash>
 +$ echo $LS_DYNA_PREFIX
 +The ''<LSTC-LICENSE-SERVER-NAME>'' text must be replaced with the IP address or DNS name of the computer that services the LSTC LS-DYNA license that was purchased.
 +<file yaml ls-dyna.vpkg_yaml>
 +    prefix: <LS_DYNA_PREFIX>
 +    url:
 +    description: general-purpose finite element program simulating complex real world problems
 +    actions:
 +        - variable: LSTC_LICENSE
 +          action: set
 +          value: network
 +        - variable: LSTC_LICENSE_SERVER
 +          action: set
 +          value: <LSTC-LICENSE-SERVER-NAME>
 +        - variable: LSTC_INTERNAL_CLIENT
 +          action: set
 +          value: off
 +        - variable: LSTC_ROOT
 +          action: set
 +          value: ${VALET_PATH_PREFIX}
 +        - bindir: ${VALET_PATH_PREFIX}
 +    default-version: "15.0.2:double,hybrid,avx2"
 +    versions:
 +        "15.0.2:single,hybrid,avx2":
 +            description: 15.0.2, single-precision, Hybrid (SMP+MPP), AVX2
 +            prefix: 15.0.2/avx2/hyb/single
 +            dependencies:
 +                - openmpi/4.0.5:intel19,ls-dyna
 +        "15.0.2:double,hybrid,avx2":
 +            description: 15.0.2, double-precision, Hybrid (SMP+MPP), AVX2
 +            prefix: 15.0.2/avx2/hyb/double
 +            dependencies:
 +                - openmpi/4.0.5:intel19,ls-dyna
 +Loading one of these packages into the shell environment makes the ''ls-dyna'' command (the symlink created during install) available:
 +<code bash>
 +$ vpkg_require ls-dyna/single,hybrid,avx2
 +Adding dependency `intel/2019u5` to your environment
 +Adding dependency `libfabric/1.17.1` to your environment
 +Adding dependency `openmpi/4.0.5:intel19,ls-dyna` to your environment
 +Adding package `ls-dyna/15.0.2:single,avx2,hybrid` to your environment
 +$ which ls-dyna
 +===== Running jobs =====
 +On the Caviness/DARWIN cluster, LS-DYNA computation must be submitted as a Slurm job.  The variants installed here use Open MPI, so the job script template at ''/opt/templates/slurm/generic/mpi/openmpi/openmpi.qs'' is a starting point for LS-DYNA jobs.  As in all cases for parallel jobs:
 +  * The number of Slurm //tasks// represent the MPI ranks for a hybrid or MPP variant of LS-DYNA
 +  * The number of CPUs per Slurm task represent the Open MP threads for an smp or hybrid variant of LS-DYNA
 +Follow the comments in the script header to determine which flags to alter and how to do so.  The script template must be altered to add the desired version/variant of LS-DYNA to the job environment:
 +# [EDIT] Do any pre-processing, staging, environment setup with VALET
 +#        or explicit changes to PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, etc.
 +vpkg_require ls-dyna/15.0.2:single,hybrid,avx2
 +Toward the end of the job script template, the LS-DYNA program is run:
 +# [EDIT] Execute your MPI program
 +${UD_MPIRUN} ls-dyna i=my_model.k
  • technical/recipes/ls-dyna.1717775168.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2024-06-07 11:46
  • by frey