Show pageOld revisionsBack to top This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. ====== Building Gromacs-Plumed on Caviness/DARWIN ====== The build procedure outlined herein uses Open MPI on top of the Intel compiler suite. ===== Directory Preparation ===== To begin, choose a directory in which the Gromacs_Plumed version(s) will be built and installed. To build in your home directory, for example: <code bash> [user@login00.darwin ~]$ GP_BASEDIR=~/sw/Gromacs_Plumed [user@login00.darwin ~]$ G_BASEDIR="${GP_BASEDIR}/Gromacs" [user@login00.darwin ~]$ P_BASEDIR="${GP_BASEDIR}/Plumed" [user@login00.darwin ~]$ GP_BASEDIR_PRIVS=0700 </code> If you are managing Gromacs_Plumed software for your entire workgroup, you could instead use <code bash> [user@login00.darwin ~]$ GP_BASEDIR="${WORKDIR}/sw/Gromacs_Plumed" [user@login00.darwin ~]$ G_BASEDIR="${GP_BASEDIR}/Gromacs" [user@login00.darwin ~]$ P_BASEDIR="${GP_BASEDIR}/Plumed" [user@login00.darwin ~]$ GP_BASEDIR_PRIVS=2770 </code> If the directory hierarchy does not yet exist, it can be setup using <code bash> [user@login00.darwin ~]$ mkdir -p -m $GP_BASEDIR_PRIVS "${GP_BASEDIR}" [user@login00.darwin ~]$ mkdir -p -m $GP_BASEDIR_PRIVS "${G_BASEDIR}" [user@login00.darwin ~]$ mkdir -p -m $GP_BASEDIR_PRIVS "${P_BASEDIR}" </code> ===== Source Preparation: Plumed ===== In this example version 2.8.3 of Plumed will be built. Our standard recipes for Plumed will entail use of the Intel compilers, the MKL for BLAS/LAPACK/FFTW/ScaLAPACK/BLACS, and Open MPI for parallelism. Download and unpack "plumed-2.8.3.tgz" and create a directory to hold our base build of plumed-2.8.3, naming it with the version identifier: ''v2.8.3''. The source is then unpacked therein: <code bash> [user@login00.darwin ~]$ cd $P_BASEDIR [user@login00.darwin Plumed]$ wget [user@login00.darwin Plumed]$ tar -xvzf plumed-2.8.3.tgz </code> ===== Compilation and Installation: Plumed===== We use configure for compilation and installation on "v2.8.3" directory. <code bash> [user@login00.darwin ~]$ P_INSTALL_PREFIX="${P_BASEDIR}/v2.8.3" [user@login00.darwin ~]$ export P_INSTALL_PREFIX [user@login00.darwin ~]$ P_SRC_PREFIX="${P_BASEDIR}/plumed-2.8.3" [user@login00.darwin ~]$ mkdir -m $GP_BASEDIR_PRIVS "$P_INSTALL_PREFIX" [user@login00.darwin ~]$ cd "$P_SRC_PREFIX" [user@login00.darwin plumed-2.8.3]$ vpkg_devrequire openmpi/4.1.5:intel-oneapi-2023 [user@login00.darwin plumed-2.8.3]$ ./configure --prefix=$P_INSTALL_PREFIX CC=mpicc CXX=mpicxx FC=mpifort LDFLAGS=-qmkl=sequential [user@login00.darwin plumed-2.8.3]$ make [user@login00.darwin plumed-2.8.3]$ make install </code> Our current working directory is now the source directory. Here, we create '''' : <file make> TPATH="${P_INSTALL_PREFIX}" export PATH="$TPATH/bin/:$PATH" export LIBRARY_PATH="$TPATH/lib/:$LIBRARY_PATH" export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$TPATH/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" export PLUMED_KERNEL="$TPATH/lib/" export PLUMED_VIMPATH="$TPATH/lib/plumed/vim/" export PYTHONPATH="$TPATH/lib/python/:$PYTHONPATH" export CPATH="$TPATH/include/:$CPATH” export INCLUDE="$TPATH/include/:$INCLUDE” </file> Executing the script. <code bash> [user@login00.darwin plumed-2.8.3]$ source </code> ===== Source Preparation: Gromacs ===== In this example version 2022.5 of Gromacs will be built. Our standard recipes for Gromacs will entail use of the Intel compilers, the MKL for BLAS/LAPACK/FFTW/ScaLAPACK/BLACS, and Open MPI for parallelism. Download and unpack "gromacs-2022.5.tar.gz" and create a directory to hold our base build of gromacs-2022.5, naming it with the version identifier: ''v2022.5''. The source is then unpacked therein: <code bash> [user@login00.darwin plumed-2.8.3]$ cd $G_BASEDIR [user@login00.darwin Gromacs]$ wget [user@login00.darwin Gromacs]$ tar -xvzf gromacs-2022.5.tar.gz </code> ===== Compilation and Installation: Plumed-patched Gromacs ===== We use cmake for compilation and installation on Plumed-patched Gromacs "v2022.5" directory. <code bash> [user@login00.darwin Gromacs]$ G_INSTALL_PREFIX="${G_BASEDIR}/v2022.5" [user@login00.darwin Gromacs]$ export G_INSTALL_PREFIX [user@login00.darwin Gromacs]$ G_SRC_PREFIX="${G_BASEDIR}/gromacs-2022.5" [user@login00.darwin Gromacs]$ mkdir -m $GP_BASEDIR_PRIVS "$G_INSTALL_PREFIX" [user@login00.darwin Gromacs]$ G_BUILDDIR="${G_SRC_PREFIX}/build" [user@login00.darwin Gromacs]$ mkdir -m $GP_BASEDIR_PRIVS "$G_BUILDDIR" [user@login00.darwin Gromacs]$ cd "$G_SRC_PREFIX" </code> Hear, we patch Plumed on Gromacs. <code bash> [user@login00.darwin gromacs-2022.5]$ plumed patch -p --static </code> Select 4: <code bash> 1) gromacs-2019.6 5) gromacs-4.5.7 9) qespresso-5.0.2 2) gromacs-2020.7 6) namd-2.12 10) qespresso-6.2 3) gromacs-2021.7 7) namd-2.13 4) gromacs-2022.5 8) namd-2.14 </code> <code bash> [user@login00.darwin gromacs-2022.5]$ cd "$G_BUILDDIR" </code> Our current working directory is now the //build root//. Here, we create '''' : <file make> #!/bin/bash -l vpkg_require cmake/default openmpi/4.1.5:intel-oneapi-2023 PREFIX="${G_INSTALL_PREFIX}" CPU_GMX_SIMD=AVX2_256 BASE_BUILD_FLAGS=" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DGMX_SIMD=${CPU_GMX_SIMD} -DGMX_FFT_LIBRARY=mkl -DMKL_MPI=openmpi -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF -DGMX_PREFER_STATIC_LIBS=ON " # BASE_BUILD_FLAGS="$BASE_BUILD_FLAGS -DGMX_GPU=SYCL" # -DMKL_INCLUDE_DIR=$MKLROOT/include # -DMKL_LIBRARIES=-mkl=sequential #" build_variant() { local DBL=$1 MPI=$2 local build_dir="" local build_flags="" if [ $DBL -ne 0 ]; then build_dir="double" build_flags="${build_flags} -DGMX_DOUBLE=on" else build_dir="single" build_flags="${build_flags} -DGMX_DOUBLE=off" fi if [ $MPI -eq 0 ]; then build_dir="${build_dir}-thread" build_flags="${build_flags} -DGMX_MPI=off -DGMX_THREAD_MPI=on -DCMAKE_DISABLE_FIND_PACKAGE_MPI=on" CC=icx CXX=icpx FC=ifx else build_dir="${build_dir}-mpi" build_flags="${build_flags} -DGMX_MPI=on -DGMX_THREAD_MPI=off" CC=mpicc CXX=mpicxx FC=mpifort fi [ -d "build-${build_dir}" ] && rm -rf "build-${build_dir}" mkdir "build-${build_dir}" ; pushd "build-${build_dir}" CC=$CC CXX=$CXX FC=$FC \ cmake \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="${PREFIX}/${build_dir}" \ $BASE_BUILD_FLAGS $build_flags \ ../.. if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then make -j 20 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then make install fi fi popd } ## ## SYCL only supports single precision. ## # DOUBLE? MPI? #build_variant 0 0 #build_variant 1 0 #build_variant 0 1 build_variant 1 1 </file> <file make> #!/bin/bash -l vpkg_require cmake/default openmpi/4.1.4:intel-oneapi-2023 PREFIX="${G_INSTALL_PREFIX}" CPU_GMX_SIMD=AVX2_256 BASE_BUILD_FLAGS=" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DGMX_SIMD=${CPU_GMX_SIMD} -DGMX_FFT_LIBRARY=mkl -DMKL_MPI=openmpi -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF -DGMX_PREFER_STATIC_LIBS=ON " # BASE_BUILD_FLAGS="$BASE_BUILD_FLAGS -DGMX_GPU=SYCL" # -DMKL_INCLUDE_DIR=$MKLROOT/include # -DMKL_LIBRARIES=-mkl=sequential #" build_variant() { local DBL=$1 MPI=$2 local build_dir="" local build_flags="" if [ $DBL -ne 0 ]; then build_dir="double" build_flags="${build_flags} -DGMX_DOUBLE=on" else build_dir="single" build_flags="${build_flags} -DGMX_DOUBLE=off" fi if [ $MPI -eq 0 ]; then build_dir="${build_dir}-thread" build_flags="${build_flags} -DGMX_MPI=off -DGMX_THREAD_MPI=on -DCMAKE_DISABLE_FIND_PACKAGE_MPI=on" CC=icx CXX=icpx FC=ifx else build_dir="${build_dir}-mpi" build_flags="${build_flags} -DGMX_MPI=on -DGMX_THREAD_MPI=off" CC=mpicc CXX=mpicxx FC=mpifort fi [ -d "build-${build_dir}" ] && rm -rf "build-${build_dir}" mkdir "build-${build_dir}" ; pushd "build-${build_dir}" CC=$CC CXX=$CXX FC=$FC \ cmake \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="${PREFIX}/${build_dir}" \ $BASE_BUILD_FLAGS $build_flags \ ../.. if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then make -j 20 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then make install fi fi popd } ## ## SYCL only supports single precision. ## # DOUBLE? MPI? #build_variant 0 0 #build_variant 1 0 #build_variant 0 1 build_variant 1 1 </file> Executing the script compile and install plumed-patched gromacs. <code bash> [user@login00.darwin build]$ ./ </code> ===== VALET Package Definition ===== With this version of Gromacs_Plumed built, the remaining step is to leverage VALET for setup of the runtime environment when you use the software. VALET automatically recognizes the standard directory layout, so configuring versions/variants of ''Gromacs_Plumed'' is very straightforward. First, note your installation path: <code bash> [user@login00.darwin build]$ vpkg_rollback all [user@login00.darwin build]$ cd [user@login00.darwin ~]$ echo $GP_BASEDIR /home/user/sw/Gromacs_Plumed </code> Since this build was done in the user's home directory, they were personal copies of the software and should use a //VALET package definition file// stored in ''~/.valet'' <code bash> [user@login00.darwin ~]$ VALET_PKG_DIR=~/.valet ; VALET_PKG_DIR_MODE=0700 </code> versus an installation made for an entire workgroup, which would store the VALET package definition files in ''$WORKDIR/sw/valet'' <code bash> [user@login00.darwin ~]$ VALET_PKG_DIR="$WORKDIR/sw/valet" ; VALET_PKG_DIR_MODE=2770 </code> Whichever scheme is in-use, ensure the directory exists: <code bash> [user@login00.darwin ~]$ mkdir -p --mode=$VALET_PKG_DIR_MODE "$VALET_PKG_DIR" </code> VALET allows package definitions in a variety of formats (XML, JSON, YAML) but YAML tends to be the simplest format so we will use it here. ==== Package section ==== The //package section// of the definition file includes items that apply to all versions/variants of the software: <code yaml> Gromacs_Plumed: prefix: /home/user/sw/Gromacs_Plumed/Gromacs description: Gromacs_Plumed url: "" </code> The //package identifier// is the top-level key in the document — ''Gromacs_Plumed'' — and the value of ''$GP_BASEDIR'' is the value of the ''prefix'' key in this section. The URL and description are information taken from the official Gromacs web site. ==== Versions ==== The ''versions'' key is used to provide a list of the versions/variants of the software: <code yaml> gromacs-plumed: prefix: /home/user/sw/Gromacs_Plumed/Gromacs description: Gromacs_Plumed url: "" default-version: "v2022.5" versions: "v2022.5": prefix: "v2022.5/double-mpi" description: Gromacs patched with Plumed v2.8.3 dependencies: - openmpi/4.1.5:intel-oneapi-2023 </code> <WRAP center round tip 80%> The version identifier ''v7.3'' is inferred to be the path prefix to the version in question here. The package's prefix (''/home/user/sw/Gromacs_Plumed'') with the version identifier appended (''/home/user/sw/Gromacs_Plumed/Gromacs/v2022.5'') is implicit. The implicit behavior is overridden by providing a ''prefix'' key in the version definition: a relative path is appended to the package's prefix, an absolute path is used as-is. </WRAP> It is a good idea to specify which version definition should act as the default. This yields the following package definition file <file yaml gromacs-plumed.vpkg_yaml.darwin> gromacs-plumed: prefix: /home/user/sw/Gromacs_Plumed/Gromacs description: Gromacs_Plumed url: "" default-version: "v2022.5" versions: "v2022.5": prefix: "v2022.5/double-mpi" description: Gromacs patched with Plumed v2.8.3 dependencies: - openmpi/4.1.5:intel-oneapi-2023 </file> <file yaml gromacs-plumed.vpkg_yaml.caviness> gromacs-plumed: prefix: /home/user/sw/Gromacs_Plumed/Gromacs description: Gromacs_Plumed url: "" default-version: "v2022.5" versions: "v2022.5": prefix: "v2022.5/double-mpi" description: Gromacs patched with Plumed v2.8.3 dependencies: - openmpi/4.1.4:intel-oneapi-2023 </file> saved at ''$VALET_PKG_DIR/gromacs-plumed.vpkg_yaml''. ==== Checking the definition file ==== The package definition file can be checked for proper syntax using the VALET command ''vpkg_check'': <code bash> [user@login00.darwin ~]$ vpkg_check "$VALET_PKG_DIR/gromacs-plumed.vpkg_yaml" /home/user/.valet/gromacs-plumed.vpkg_yaml is OK [gromacs-plumed] { contexts: all actions: { GROMACS_PLUMED_PREFIX=${VALET_PATH_PREFIX} (contexts: development) } Gromacs_Plumed prefix: /home/user/sw/Gromacs_Plumed/Gromacs source file: /home/user/.valet/gromacs-plumed.vpkg_yaml default version: gromacs-plumed/v2022.5 versions: { [gromacs-plumed/v2022.5] { contexts: all dependencies: { openmpi/4.1.5:intel-oneapi-2023 } Gromacs patched with Plumed v2.8.3 prefix: /home/user/sw/Gromacs_Plumed/Gromacs/v2022.5/double-mpi standard paths: { bin: /home/user/sw/Gromacs_Plumed/Gromacs/v2022.5/double-mpi/bin lib: /home/user/sw/Gromacs_Plumed/Gromacs/v2022.5/double-mpi/lib64 man: /home/user/sw/Gromacs_Plumed/Gromacs/v2022.5/double-mpi/share/man include: /home/user/sw/Gromacs_Plumed/Gromacs/v2022.5/double-mpi/include } } } } </code> The file had no errors in its YAML syntax. Notice also that the standard path (''bin'') is found and noted by VALET! ==== Runtime environment ==== To load **Gromacs_Plumed** v2022.5 into the runtime environment, the ''vpkg_require'' command is used: <code bash> [user@login00.darwin ~]$ vpkg_require gromacs-plumed/v2022.5 Adding dependency `binutils/2.35.1` to your environment Adding dependency `gcc/12.2.0` to your environment Adding dependency `intel-oneapi/2023.0.0.25537` to your environment Adding dependency `ucx/1.13.1` to your environment Adding dependency `openmpi/4.1.5:intel-oneapi-2023` to your environment Adding package `gromacs-plumed/v2022.5` to your environment [user@login00.darwin ~]$ which gmx_mpi_d ~/sw/Gromacs_Plumed/Gromacs/v2022.5/double-mpi/bin/gmx_mpi_d </code> ===== Scaling ===== This is the wall time for MD run of 41057 atom, and nsteps=10000 with metadynamics by combining Gromacs and Plumed. The wall time decreases with an increased number of cores. {{:technical:recipes:scale_gromacs_plumed.jpg?400|}} technical/recipes/gromacs-plumed.txt Last modified: 2024-05-12 15:03by bkang