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technical:recipes:cryosparc [2024-11-08 08:46] bkangtechnical:recipes:cryosparc [2024-11-08 13:49] (current) – [CPU job] bkang
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 CryoSPARC is an advanced software platform designed for cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM), playing a crucial role in research and drug discovery processes. CryoSPARC is an advanced software platform designed for cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM), playing a crucial role in research and drug discovery processes.
-This document provides the user manual for CryoSPARC, which has been installed on DARWIN.+This document provides the user manual for CryoSPARC v4.3.1, which has been installed on DARWIN.
-====== Start CryoSPARC ======+====== Start CryoSPARC master ======
-CryoSPARC will be run in a screen mode at one of GPU node ( tesla_t4:1 in this example ).+CryoSPARC will be run in a screen mode at one of GPU node ( r1t00 with tesla_t4:1 in this example ).
 You need to remember which login node you are. You need to remember which login node you are.
Line 13: Line 13:
 [(workgroup:user)@login01 ~]$ screen [(workgroup:user)@login01 ~]$ screen
 [(workgroup:user)@login01 ~]$ salloc -p idle --gpus=tesla_t4:1 -N1 -n1 --cpus-per-task=4 --mem=200G --time=01:00:00 [(workgroup:user)@login01 ~]$ salloc -p idle --gpus=tesla_t4:1 -N1 -n1 --cpus-per-task=4 --mem=200G --time=01:00:00
-[(workgroup:user)@login01 ~]$ export CRYOSPARC_INSTANCE_DIR=$TMPDIR +[(workgroup:user)@r1t00 ~]$ export CRYOSPARC_INSTANCE_DIR=$TMPDIR 
-[(workgroup:user)@login01 ~]$ vpkg_require cryosparc/4.3.1 +[(workgroup:user)@r1t00 ~]$ vpkg_require cryosparc/4.3.1 
-[(workgroup:user)@login01 ~]$ cryosparcm start  # this start cryosparc_master and set up environment.+[(workgroup:user)@r1t00 ~]$ cryosparcm start  # this start cryosparc_master and set up environment.
 </code> </code>
 +You will see below if cryoSPARC runs successfully. Please remember your username, password, and port name, as they are printed out.
 +====== Start CryoSPARC workstation and access web interface ======
 +====== Start new project or attach previous project ======
 +====== Attach previous project ======
 +====== Set number of GPU ======
 +====== Queue the job ======
 +Clicking the "Queue" button will load this job, and Slurm will queue the job on the GPU node.
 +====== Monitor job status ======
 +====== CPU job ======
 +You can also run CPU jobs in current setting.
  • technical/recipes/cryosparc.1731073616.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2024-11-08 08:46
  • by bkang