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software:singularity:caviness [2018-08-09 12:45] anitasoftware:singularity:caviness [2024-08-27 17:51] (current) anita
Line 1: Line 1:
-======= Singularity on Caviness ======+======= Apptainer (formerly Singularityon Caviness ======
 ===== Build a Singularity container ===== ===== Build a Singularity container =====
Line 23: Line 23:
 <code> <code>
 $ vpkg_require singularity $ vpkg_require singularity
-$ singularity build hello-world.simg shub://vsoch/hello-worldw+$ singularity build hello-world.simg shub://vsoch/hello-worldw
 </code> </code>
Line 36: Line 36:
 ===== Execute your Singularity container through SLURM ===== ===== Execute your Singularity container through SLURM =====
-Once your container is on Caviness you can run it. Containers must run on Caviness' compute nodes, not on the head node. Remember you must specify a workgroup before running any jobs on Caviness, then use either the ''salloc'' or ''sbatch'' command to get access to a compute node.  See the [[abstract:caviness:runjobs:runjobs|Running Jobs on Caviness]] for more information on SLURM and using Caviness' compute nodes.+Once your container is on Caviness you can run it. Containers must run on Caviness' compute nodes, not on the head node. Remember you must specify a **[[abstract:caviness:app_dev:compute_env#using-workgroup-and-directories|workgroup]]** before running any jobs on Caviness, then use either the ''salloc'' or ''sbatch'' command to get access to a compute node.  See the [[abstract:caviness:runjobs:runjobs|Running Jobs on Caviness]] for more information on SLURM and using Caviness' compute nodes.
 ==== Inside your interactive session or your batch job you must first issue the command ==== ==== Inside your interactive session or your batch job you must first issue the command ====
Line 47: Line 47:
 <code> <code>
 +[traine@login01 ~]$ workgroup -g it_css
 +[(it_css:traine)@login01 ~]$ salloc --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=4
 +salloc: Granted job allocation 844
 +salloc: Waiting for resource configuration
 +salloc: Nodes r00n45 are ready for job
 +[traine@r00n45 ~]$ vpkg_require singularity
 +Adding package `singularity/2.5.1` to your environment
 +[traine@r00n45 ~]$ singularity shell tensorflow.simg 
 +Singularity: Invoking an interactive shell within container...
-    [(it_css:traine)@login01 ~]$ salloc --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=4 +Singularity tensorflow.simg:~> tensorboard --help 
-    salloc: Granted job allocation 844 +usage: tensorboard [-h[--logdir PATH] [--host ADDR] [--port PORT] 
-    salloc: Waiting for resource configuration +                   [--purge_orphaned_data BOOL] [--reload_interval SECONDS] 
-    salloc: Nodes r00n45 are ready for job +                   [--db URI] [--inspect] [--tag TAG] [--event_file PATH] 
-    [traine@r00n45 ~]$ vpkg_require singularity +                   [--path_prefix PATH] [--window_title TEXT] 
-    Adding package `singularity/2.5.1` to your environment +                   [--max_reload_threads COUNT
-    [traine@r00n45 ~]$ singularity shell tensorflow.simg  +                   [--samples_per_plugin SAMPLES_PER_PLUGIN] 
-    Singularity: Invoking an interactive shell within container...+                   [--master_tpu_unsecure_channel ADDR
 +                   [--debugger_data_server_grpc_port PORT] 
 +                   [--debugger_port PORT]
-    Singularity tensorflow.simg:~> tensorboard --help+TensorBoard is a suite of web applications for inspectinng and understanding 
 +your TensorFlow runs and graphs
-           USAGE: /usr/local/bin/tensorboard [flags]+Singularity tensorflow.simg:~> grep Cpus_allowed_list /proc/$$/status 
 +Cpus_allowed_list: 0-3 
 +Singularity tensorflow.simg:~> exit 
 +[traine@r00n45 ~]$ 
 +==== Troubleshooting ==== 
 +=== Locale error === 
 +If you experience the error below after starting a particular shell container, then it is likely due to your current locale not being supported in this particular container's shell.   
 +<code bash> 
 +[traine@r00n45 ~]$ vpkg_require singularity 
 +Adding package `singularity/2.5.1` to your environment 
 +[traine@r00n45 ~]$ singularity shell tensorflow.simg 
 +Singularity: Invoking an interactive shell within container... 
 +Singularity tensorflow.simg:~> tensorboard --help 
 +Traceback (most recent call last): 
 +  File "/usr/local/bin/tensorboard", line 11, in <module> 
 +    sys.exit(run_main()) 
 +  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tensorboard/", line 48, in run_main 
 +    program.setup_environment() 
 +  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tensorboard/", line 57, in setup_environment 
 +    util.setup_logging() 
 +  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tensorboard/", line 50, in setup_logging 
 +    locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, ''
 +  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 581, in setlocale 
 +    return _setlocale(category, locale) 
 +locale.Error: unsupported locale setting 
 +Once you start the container shell, check which locale's are supported by using the ''locale -a'' command: 
 +<code bash> 
 +Singularity tensorflow.simg:~> locale -a 
 +locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory 
 +locale: Cannot set LC_MESSAGES to default locale: No such file or directory 
 +locale: Cannot set LC_COLLATE to default locale: No such file or directory 
 +Of course in this particular case, the locale setting for account ''traine'' is defined as ''en_US.UTF-8'' which is not supported in this shell.  To fix the situation, simply set the ''LANG'' locale to one that is supported before starting the container shell. 
 +<code bash> 
 +[traine@r00n45 ~]$ vpkg_require singularity 
 +Adding package `singularity/2.5.1` to your environment 
 +[tainne@r00n45 ~]$ LANG=C.UTF-8 singularity shell tensorflow.simg 
 +Singularity: Invoking an interactive shell within container... 
 +Singularity tensorflow.simg:~> tensorboard --help 
 +usage: tensorboard [-h] [--logdir PATH] [--host ADDR] [--port PORT] 
 +                   [--purge_orphaned_data BOOL] [--reload_interval SECONDS] 
 +                   [--db URI] [--inspect] [--tag TAG] [--event_file PATH] 
 +                   [--path_prefix PATH] [--window_title TEXT] 
 +                   [--max_reload_threads COUNT] 
 +                   [--samples_per_plugin SAMPLES_PER_PLUGIN] 
 +                   [--master_tpu_unsecure_channel ADDR] 
 +                   [--debugger_data_server_grpc_port PORT] 
 +                   [--debugger_port PORT] 
 +TensorBoard is a suite of web applications for inspectinng and understanding 
 +your TensorFlow runs and graphs.
-    Try --helpfull to get a list of all flags.+[[ lots of additional information displayed for optional arguments
-    Singularity tensorflow.simg:~> grep Cpus_allowed_list /proc/$$/status +Singularity tensorflow.simg:~> exit 
-    Cpus_allowed_list: 0-3 +exit 
-    Singularity tensorflow.simg:~>+[traine@r00n45 ~]$
 </code> </code>
  • software/singularity/caviness.1533833137.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2018-08-09 12:45
  • by anita