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software:python-canopy:python-canopy [2017-10-23 18:03] – created sraskarsoftware:python-canopy:python-canopy [2020-07-09 17:13] (current) – removed anita
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-==== Enthought Canopy Express ==== 
-Canopy Express provides an open, intuitive environment for scientific and analytic computing. See a[[|complete list]] of packages available in Canopy Express. Most of the packages not included in Canopy express are based on the most current version, old versions can be loaded if needed. 
-<note important>Please review the [[|Enthought Academic License Agreement]] before using Canopy Express. 
-"**Permitted Academic Use**" shall mean use of the Software for internal academic teaching or research purposes, and explicitly excludes any use of the Software for commercial purposes including commercial research purposes. 
-==== Canopy Express setup ==== 
-To start using Canopy Express, use VALET 
-$ vpkg_require canopy 
-Performing first-time setup of Canopy...SUCCEEDED 
-Adding package `canopy/1.3.0` to your environment 
-The first time you use Canopy, it will install a virtual core development environment of Canopy Express in your home directory. It will take approximately 18M of space. It will add the appropriate directories to your ''PATH''. 
-==== Using Canopy Express CLI ==== 
-You can use the Canopy Express command line interface (CLI) to do your development on the head node, however it is always a good practice to run longer jobs using ''qsub'' for batch jobs. For example, on Mills for account ''traine'', it would like this to use Canopy Express ''ipython'' 
-[traine@mills ~]$ vpkg_require canopy 
-Adding package `canopy/1.3.0` to your environment 
-[traine@mills ~]$ echo $PATH 
-[traine@mills ~]$ which ipython 
-[traini@mills ~]$ ipython 
-Python 2.7.6 | 64-bit | (default, Jan 29 2014, 17:35:36) 
-Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. 
-IPython 1.1.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. 
-?         -> Introduction and overview of IPython's features. 
-%quickref -> Quick reference. 
-help      -> Python's own help system. 
-object?   -> Details about 'object', use 'object??' for extra details. 
-In [1]: 
-<note important>If you are producing graphics files such as ''.png'' and even if you are not displaying them using ''show'', you still need to make sure X11 is available by using ''vpkg_require x11'', otherwise you will get an error for the graphics library.  For example, 
-import matplotlib._png as _png 
-ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 
-==== Using Canopy Express GUI ==== 
-If you need to use the GUI (Graphical User Interface) to use the interactive editor or package manager to install a package not currently available in the virtual core development environment of Canopy Express, then you must do so on a compute node by using ''qlogin'' and make sure you are running X-Windows. For example, on Mills for account ''traine'' in workgroup ''it_css'', it would look like this 
-[traine@mills ~]$ workgroup -g it_css 
-[(it_css:traine)@mills ~]$ qlogin 
-Your job 485034 ("QLOGIN") has been submitted 
-waiting for interactive job to be scheduled ... 
-Your interactive job 485034 has been successfully scheduled. 
-Establishing /opt/shared/OpenGridScheduler/local/qlogin_ssh session to host n017 ... 
-[traine@n017 ~]$ vpkg_require canopy 
-Adding package `canopy/1.3.0` to your environment 
-[traine@n017 ~]$ vpkg_require x11 
-Adding package `x11/RHEL6.1` to your environment 
-[traine@n017 ~]$ canopy 
-A **Welcome to Canopy** window should be displayed. If you try to run the Canopy Express GUI on the head node, it will crash with a segmentation fault. 
-In the package manager, you may see packages which indicate **CANOPY** and not **FREE**, when you click on these packages listed at **CANOPY** you will not have an ''Install'' option, only ''Subscribe'' However if you click on ''More info'', it will list dependencies and a ''Show'' button at the bottom of the window to show other versions available that are free to install.  This is typical to allow older versions of a package to be installed, just not the latest version such as Mayavi. 
-<note important>Please avoid installing updates you may see when using the ''package manager'' as this will install a full version of the package and dependencies in your home directory thus potentially putting your account over quota. Even a small number of updates (< 10) caused the 18M base virtual core development environment to grow to 600M. Instead of installing updated, please send an email to and indicate which cluster to request the virtual core development environment to be updated.</note> 
-==== Using other libraries and packages with Canopy Express ==== 
-If you are loading Canopy express to build a package based on Enthought's Python Distribution, then you may need to load other libraries and/or packages.  For example, if you were trying to build the package for openmpi and gcc, your VALET setup might look like this 
-$ vpkg_devrequire canopy 
-Adding package `canopy/1.3.0` to your environment 
-$ vpkg_devrequire gcc/4.6 
-Adding package `gcc/4.6.2` to your environment 
-$ vpkg_devrequire openmpi/1.4.4-gcc 
-Adding package `openmpi/1.4.4-gcc` to your environment 
-==== Resetting Canopy Express setup ==== 
-You may want to reset your Canopy Express, perhaps to get an updated virtual environment or a newer version to minimize the disk usage in your home directory. You can do this by removing Canopy Express setup in your home directory.  For example, in traine's home directory for Canopy Express version 1.3, it would look like this 
-[traine@mills ~]$ rm -r .canopy 
-[traine@mills ~]$ rm -r .canopy-1.3.0 
-[traine@mills ~]$ rm -r canopy 
-Once the Canopy Express setup directories in your home directory are removed, the next time you use ''vpkg_require canopy'' it will install the latest virtual core development environment of Canopy Express in your home directory.