IT provides templates for two job script variants for the **mpi** parallel environment on Farber located in ''/opt/templates/slurm/generic/mpi/openmpi''
IT provides three job script (batch) template variants for **mpi** parallel environments located in ''/opt/shared/templates/slurm/generic/mpi'' on Caviness:
* OpenIB Verbs variant: **//openmpi.qs//**
- Open MPI: **//openmpi.qs//**
* This is a batch job template for a program using multiple processor cores/threads on one or more nodes. This particular variant should be used with Open MPI or another MPI library that is tightly-integrated with Slurm.
* Found in ''/opt/shared/templates/slurm/generic/mpi/openmpi''.
- Mpich: **//mpich.qs//**
* Found in ''/opt/shared/templates/slurm/generic/mpi/mpich''.
- Generic: **//mpi.qs//**
* Found in ''/opt/shared/templates/slurm/generic/mpi/generic''.
You may copy and customize these templates to provide the best performance when running your Open MPI applications. See [[:abstract:caviness:runjob:/runjobs|Running Applications]] on Caviness for details about resources.
In general, we suggest using the Open MPI job script template, however
* Each job script template is intended for a program using multiple processor cores/threads on one or more nodes. Each variant should be used with Open MPI or another MPI library that is tightly-integrated with Slurm.
* Sections of each script that can/should be edited are delimited by a ''[EDIT]'' tag. All Slurm job options are denoted by a line that starts with ''#SBATCH'' followed by flags that would otherwise be passed on the command line. Slurm job options can easily be disabled in a script by inserting a space in the prefix, e.g. ''# SLURM'' and reenabled by deleting that space.
<note tip>It is a good idea to periodically check in ''/opt/templates/slurm/generic/mpi'' for changes in existing templates, or the addition of new templates, designed to provide the best performance on Caviness.</note>
You may copy and customize these templates to provide the best performance when running your MPI applications, however you should keep the job script complete (i.e. do not delete lines or sections in the job script template). See [[:abstract:caviness:runjobs:runjobs|Running Applications]] on Caviness for details about resources.
<note tip>It is a good idea to periodically check in ''/opt/shared/templates/slurm/generic/mpi'' for changes in existing templates, or the addition of new templates, designed to provide the best performance on Caviness.</note>