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abstract:farber:account [2018-02-13 11:58] – [Farber account requests] sraskarabstract:farber:account [2018-03-20 13:43] (current) – removed sraskar
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-====== Farber account requests ====== 
-All Farber cluster accounts must be sponsored by a [[http://sites.udel.edu/research-computing/farber-stakeholders/|Farber stakeholder]] for a particular //investing-entity//.   
-To request a Farber account to be added or removed, the Farber stakeholder may  
-  * contact the principle stakeholder for the //investing-entity// on Farber and provide the sponsored users' full name and email address. 
-  * submit a [[http://www.udel.edu/deptforms/it/research_computing/index.html|Research Computing Help Request]] specifying the problem details as "High-Performance Computing", "Farber Cluster", account type: "UD or HPC Guest", and the problem description should include the sponsored users' full name and email address, and the investing-entity unique group name (workgroup). 
-===== Cluster accounts ===== 
-The cluster's compute nodes are organizationally identified by UD research 
-group names. A //stakeholder// is a UD researcher who contributed financially to a node's purchase. An 
-//investing-entity// consists of the stakeholders who combined funds to purchase a particular 
-compute node or set of nodes. Each investing-entity has a //principal stakeholder// who is the 
-administrative point of contact for its compute nodes. 
-There are two types of cluster accounts: //stakeholders// and //sponsored users//. Sponsored users 
-are researchers having at least one stakeholder willing to share his/her cluster resources 
-(compute nodes, storage allocation). 
-For each investing-entity, the principal stakeholder is responsible for establishing and enforcing 
-group-use policies for his/her sponsored users.  
-<note important> Each [[/clusters/start|cluster]]'s principle stakeholder can request to add or remove access for a sponsored user on his/her //investing-entity// by submitting a [[http://www.udel.edu/deptforms/it/research_computing/index.html|Research Computing Help Request]] selecting ''High-Performance Computing'' and appropriate cluster for problem details. Please include in the problem description to add or remove 
-  * **UD community members:** UDelNet ID and full name 
-  * **Guests:** Full name and email address (preferably a university, institution or organization; not personal) 
-If you are a UD community member, your cluster username and password are the same as your UDelNet ID 
-and password. You may change your UDelNet ID or password on the [[http://www.udel.edu/network|UD network page]], but it is only synced at noon and midnight daily. 
-If you are not a UD community member, IT will create a username having the form //hpcguest//<<//uid//>>, and 
-an initial password for you. It is based on the unique, 4-digit numerical identifier IT assigns to you. You can [[https://www.hpc.udel.edu/user/password.php|change your password]] via[[http://www.hpc.udel.edu|UD IT HPC]] page. The new password will immediately take effect on HPC systems. 
-Your password should always comply with UD's [[http://www1.udel.edu/security/bestpractices/passwords.html|password 
-^Command   ^Function ^ 
-| ''hpc-user-info -a'' <<//username//>> |Display info about a user | 
-| ''hpc-user-info -h''            |Display complete syntax | 
-For example, 
-<code bash> 
-[traine@mills ~]$ hpc-user-info -a traine 
-full-name = Student Training 
-last-name = Student Training 
-home-directory = /home/1201 
-email-address = traine@udel.edu 
-===== Cluster groups ===== 
-The cluster groups of which you are a member determine which computing nodes, job queues, and 
-storage resources you may use. Each group has a unique descriptive group name (//gname)//. There are 
-two categories of group names: //class// and //investing-entity//. 
-**//The class category//**:** **All users belong to the group named //everyone//. Members of the UD 
-community also belong to the group named //ud-user//. Non-UD users are members of the group named 
-//hpc-guests//. Other group names currently include //facstaff//, //students//, and 
-**//The investing-entity category//**: Each investing-entity has a unique group name (e.g., //nanotech// 
-or the principal stakeholder's username) also referred to as [[04_compute_environ#using-workgroup-and-directories|workgroup]]. The investing-entity's stakeholders and its sponsored 
-users are members of that cluster group. To see the usernames of all members of an 
-investing-entity's group, type the ''getent group'' <<//investing_entity//>> command. 
-For example, the command below will display the usernames of the it_css members. 
-<code bash>getent group it_css</code> 
-Together, ''gentent group'' and ''hpc-user-info -a'' let you determine the identities of a group's members. 
  • abstract/farber/account.1518541083.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2018-02-13 11:58
  • by sraskar