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abstract:caviness:runjobs:job_status [2023-04-17 17:14] – [sacct or ssacct] anitaabstract:caviness:runjobs:job_status [2024-05-23 12:08] (current) – [sacct or ssacct] anita
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 +====== Managing Jobs on Caviness ======
 +Once a user has been able to submit jobs to the cluster -- interactive or batch -- the user will from time to time want to know what those jobs are doing.  Is the job waiting in a queue for resources to become available, or is it executing?  How long has the job been executing? How much CPU time or memory has the job consumed?  Users can query Slurm for job information using the ''squeue'' command while the job is still active in the Slurm.  The ''squeue'' command has a variety of command line options available to customize and filter what information it displays; discussing all of them is beyond the scope of this document.  Use ''squeue %%-%%-help'' or ''man squeue'' commands on the login node to view a complete description of available options.
 +With no options provided, ''squeue'' defaults to displaying a list of all jobs submitted by all the users on the cluster currently active in Slurm.  This includes jobs that are waiting in a queue, jobs that are executing, and jobs that are in an error state.  The list below is presented in a tabular format, with the following columns:
 +|JOBID|Numerical identifier assigned when the job was submitted|
 +|PARTITION|The partition to which the job is assigned|
 +|NAME|The name assigned to the job|
 +|USER|The owner of the job|
 +|ST|Current state of the job (see next table)|
 +|TIME|Either the time the job was submitted or the time the job began execution, depending on its state|
 +|NODES|The number of nodes assigned to the job|
 +|NODELIST(Reason)|The list of nodes on which the job is running or the reason for which the job is in its current state(other than running)|
 +The different states in which a job may exist are enumerated by the following codes:
 +^State Code^Description^
 +|''CA''|Job was explicitly cancelled by the user or system administrator. The job may or may not have been initiated|
 +|''CG''|Job is in the process of completing. Some processes on some nodes may still be active|
 +|''F''|Job terminated with non-zero exit code or other failure condition|
 +|''PD''|Job is awaiting resource allocation|
 +|''PR''|Job terminated due to preemption|
 +|''R''|Job currently has an allocation and is running|
 +|''RD''|Job is held|
 +|''RQ''|Completing job is being requeued|
 +|''RS''|Job is about to change size|
 +|''S''|Job has an allocation, but execution has been suspended and CPUs have been released for other jobs|
 +|''TO''|Job terminated upon reaching its time limit|
 +There are many other possible [[https://slurm.schedmd.com/squeue.html#lbAG|job states codes]] which can be found in the official Slurm documentation.
 +===== Checking job status =====
 +==== squeue or ssqueue ====
 +Use the ''squeue'' command to check the status of queued jobs.  The ''ssqueue'' version is a UD IT version of ''squeue'' that provides output as an interactive spreadsheet using the curses display library such that each column in the spreadsheet is sized to match the longest string present, rather than truncating at a fixed width as the Slurm commands do.
 +Use ''squeue %%-%%-help'' or ''man squeue'' commands on the login node to view a complete description of available options.  The same options work with ''ssqueue'' too. Some of the most often-used options are summarized here:
 +^ Option ^ Result ^
 +| ''-j'' <<//job_id_list//>> | Displays information for specified job(s) |
 +| ''-u'' <<//user_list//>> | Displays information for jobs associated with the specified user(s) |
 +| ''%%-%%-start'' | List estimated start time for queued jobs |
 +| ''-t'' | Can be used to List the jobs that are in particular state(passed as argument) |
 +| ''%%-%%-Format'' | Customize output of squeue |
 +With no options provided, ''squeue'' defaults to displaying a list of all jobs submitted by all the users on the cluster currently active in Slurm.  This includes jobs that are waiting in a queue, jobs that are executing, and jobs that are in an error state.
 +<code bash>
 +[(it_css:traine)@login00 it_css]$ squeue
 +            488072 ccei_biom    P-irc rameswar CG 3-23:26:11      1 r01n41
 +            496264       clj NOVA_Hcs delgorio PD       0:00      4 (QOSGrpCpuLimit)
 +            496312       clj NOVA_Hcs delgorio PD       0:00      4 (QOSGrpCpuLimit)
 +            502942  standard run.a8.p     heil PD       0:00      4 (Resources)
 +            502954  standard run.s8.p     heil PD       0:00      3 (Priority)
 +            502970  standard PEG44_EQ  utkarsk PD       0:00      2 (Priority)
 +            502821  standard R3_FineM   yashar PD       0:00      2 (Priority)
 +            502822  standard B9_ResCo   yashar PD       0:00      2 (Priority)
 +            502823  standard R3_ResCo   yashar PD       0:00      2 (Priority)
 +            502979  standard MOH_2Pro  utkarsk PD       0:00      2 (Priority)
 +            502967  standard run_442c     heil PD       0:00      1 (Dependency)
 +            502975  standard run.s10.     heil PD       0:00      1 (Dependency)
 +            496263       clj NOVA_Hcs delgorio  R    2:33:10      4 r00n[25-26,36-37]
 +            501784 elliottla fluidvis     safa  R 1-02:51:00      1 r01n53
 +            498144 kukulka_l ph005crc txthoman  R 2-21:01:27      1 r00n17
 +            498436 biophysic      CdI     cyxu  R 1-21:29:05      1 r01g04
 +            .
 +            .
 +            .
 +The ''squeue'' command can also be used to see the job status information of all the current jobs for a particular user by using ''-u'' flag followed by the ''USER'' For example, 
 +<code bash>
 +[(it_css:traine)@login00 ~]$ squeue -u traine
 +               913     devel     date     traine PD       0:00      1 (QOSMaxJobsPerUserLimit)
 +               912  standard openmp_j     traine  R       0:23      1 r00n45
 +               911     devel       sh     traine  R       1:14      1 r00n56
 +               910     devel       sh     traine  R       3:30      1 r00n56
 +shows only the jobs currently in Slurm for user ''traine''. Jobs 910, 911, and 912 are currently running.  Job 913 is pending due to a "MaxJobsPerUser" limit enforced by the quality-of-service (QOS) level associated with the devel partition (see the section on [[abstract:caviness:runjobs:queues|Partitions]] for discussion of these limits).
 +Notably absent from both the standard and long format for ''squeue'' are the resources (CPU cores, memory, GPUs) allocated to the job.  Historically, Slurm was heavily focused on scheduling nodes themselves and not the component resources on those nodes, and this is reflected in the data it tends to display by default.  The ''%%--%%Format'' flag must be used to augment the displayed information:
 +<code bash>
 +[(it_css:traine)@login00 ~]$ squeue --Format="jobid,name,state,partition,account,username,numnodes,numtasks,numcpus,gres"
 +JOBID               NAME                STATE               PARTITION           ACCOUNT             USER                NODES               TASKS               CPUS                GRES                
 +922                 date                PENDING             devel               it_nss              frey                1                                                       (null)              
 +921                 sh                  RUNNING             devel               it_nss              frey                1                                                       gpu:p100            
 +918                 openmp_job          RUNNING             standard            it_nss              frey                1                                                       (null)              
 +915                 sh                  RUNNING             devel               it_nss              frey                1                                                       (null)  
 +=== Job status is PD ===
 +When your job status is ''PD'' it means your job is queued and waiting to execute.  When you check with ''squeue'' you might see something like this
 +<code base>
 +[(it_css:traine)@traine it_css]$ squeue -u traine
 +      1354  standard A3WF    traine  PD         0.00      1 (Priority)
 +Sometimes your job is stuck and remains in the ''PD'' state and never starts running. You can use ''squeue'' in combination with ''-j'' and ''%%-%%-start'' to see the estimated start time of your pending job.
 +<code bash>
 +[(it_css:traine)@traine it_css]$ squeue -j 91487 --start
 +  91487 standard   hello_te     traine  PD        2018-07-09T13:09:40       2 (Priority)
 +==== sstat or ssstat ====
 +To check the status information of a running job/step, use the ''sstat'' command with appropriate options. The ''ssstat'' version is a UD IT version of ''sstat'' that provides output as an interactive spreadsheet using the curses display library such that each column in the spreadsheet is sized to match the longest string present, rather than truncating at a fixed width as the Slurm commands do.
 +Some of the useful options are mentioned below, but keep in mind you can only use this command for jobs you own.  The same options work with ''ssstat'' too. A detailed list and explanation of options and column values results are explained in the man page,''man sstat''.
 +^ Option ^ Result ^
 +| ''-a'' <<//job_id_list//>> | Print all steps for the given job(s) when no step is specified |
 +| ''-u'' <<//user_list//>> | Displays information for jobs associated with the specified user(s) |
 +| ''-i'' | Predefined format to list the pids running for each job step. (JobId,Nodes,Pids) |
 +| ''-p'' | output will be ''|'' delimited with a ''|'' at the end |
 +| ''%%-%%-format'' | Customize output of sstat |
 +<code base>
 +[(it_css:traine)@login00 it_css]$ sstat -p --format=AveCPU,AvePages,AveRSS,AveVMSize,JobID -j 1354
 +     25:02.000|0K|1.37M|5.93M|9.0|
 +==== scontrol ====
 +''scontrol'' is used for monitoring and modifying queued jobs, as well as holding and releasing jobs. One of its most powerful options is the ''scontrol show job'' option with the ''JobID''.
 +Also, by default the per-job output has been limited to a name, submit/run time, and some state flags.  Slurm maintains a far more extensive set of parameters for each job which can be viewed using the command ''scontrol''. For example,
 +<code bash>
 +[(it_css:traine)@login00 it_css]$ scontrol show job 1354
 +JobId=1354 JobName=A33_6_WF.qs
 +   UserId=traine(1111) GroupId=xxxx(10111) MCS_label=N/A
 +   Priority=2181 Nice=0 Account=thsu QOS=normal
 +   JobState=RUNNING Reason=None Dependency=(null)
 +   Requeue=0 Restarts=0 BatchFlag=1 Reboot=0 ExitCode=0:0
 +   RunTime=05:04:27 TimeLimit=1-00:00:00 TimeMin=N/A
 +   SubmitTime=2018-08-14T09:56:15 EligibleTime=2018-08-14T09:56:15
 +   StartTime=2018-08-14T09:56:16 EndTime=2018-08-15T09:56:16 Deadline=N/A
 +   PreemptTime=None SuspendTime=None SecsPreSuspend=0
 +   LastSchedEval=2018-08-14T09:56:16
 +   Partition=standard AllocNode:Sid=login01:19458
 +   ReqNodeList=(null) ExcNodeList=(null)
 +   NodeList=r00n16
 +   BatchHost=r00n16
 +   NumNodes=1 NumCPUs=20 NumTasks=20 CPUs/Task=1 ReqB:S:C:T=0:0:*:*
 +   TRES=cpu=20,mem=60G,node=1,billing=49168
 +   Socks/Node=* NtasksPerN:B:S:C=0:0:*:* CoreSpec=*
 +   MinCPUsNode=1 MinMemoryCPU=3G MinTmpDiskNode=0
 +   Features=(null) DelayBoot=00:00:00
 +   Gres=(null) Reservation=(null)
 +   OverSubscribe=OK Contiguous=0 Licenses=(null) Network=(null)
 +   Command=/lustre/scratch/traine/AAd3F.qs
 +   WorkDir=/lustre/scratch/traine/
 +   StdErr=/lustre/scratch/traine/ler/%x.o1354
 +   StdIn=/dev/null
 +   StdOut=/lustre/scratch/traine/ler/%x.o1354
 +   Power=
 +==== sacct or ssacct ====
 +To check the information about a job from history (i.e. a job that has already completed), ''sacct'' can be used to fetch various details as long as you know the ''JobID''. The ''ssacct'' version is a UD IT version of ''sacct'' that provides output as an interactive spreadsheet using the curses display library such that each column in the spreadsheet is sized to match the longest string present, rather than truncating at a fixed width as the Slurm commands do.
 +<code bash>
 +[(it_css:traine)@login01 ~]$ sacct -j 10544
 +       JobID    JobName  Partition    Account  AllocCPUS      State ExitCode
 +------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------
 +10544            Mg_FFS   standard  afwallace         10  PREEMPTED      0:0
 +10544.batch       batch             afwallace         10  CANCELLED     0:15
 +10544.extern     extern             afwallace         10  COMPLETED      0:0
 +In the above example, it indcates the job was preempted from the standard partition.  Remember jobs in the standard partition are preempted to make way for workgroup specific jobs.  If we want to check how much time a job was given to run, we can use the ''--format'' option to display the ''TimeLimit'' for the ''JobID 10544''.
 +<code bash>
 +[(it_css:traine)@login01 ~]$ sacct -j 10544 --format=TimeLimit
 + Timelimit
 +From this we can see this job had 7 days to complete, the maximum time limit on Caviness, however because the job was running in the standard partition it was preempted after running 21 hours, 5 minutes and 10 seconds. Below is an example requesting additional information such as memory, number of nodes, list of nodes, etc.
 +<code bash>
 +[(it_css:traine)@login01 ~]$ sacct -j 10544 --format=user,jobid,jobname,partition,state,time,start,end,elapsed,MaxRss,MaxVMSize,nnodes,ncpus,nodelist
 + abrarq   10544            Mg_FFS   standard  PREEMPTED 7-00:00:00 2018-10-29T19:23:54 2018-10-30T16:29:04   21:05:10                              1         10          r00n25
 +          10544.batch       batch             CANCELLED            2018-10-29T19:23:54 2018-10-30T16:29:05   21:05:11    219520K    182124K        1         10          r00n25
 +          10544.extern     extern             COMPLETED            2018-10-29T19:23:54 2018-10-30T16:23:50   20:59:56         4K    107904K        1         10          r00n25
 +Here is another example showing a job exited because enough memory was not specified for the job (may be indicated in Slurm output as ''oom-kill event(s)'' which means __o__ut __o__f __m__emory), and in ''sacct'' shows ''OUT_OF_ME+'' which also means OUT OF MEMORY.
 +<code bash>
 +[traine@login00 ~]$ sacct -j 9176640
 +       JobID    JobName  Partition    Account  AllocCPUS      State ExitCode
 +------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------
 +9176640             FVM   standard zurakowski          1 OUT_OF_ME+    0:125
 +9176640.bat+      batch            zurakowski          1 OUT_OF_ME+    0:125
 +9176640.ext+     extern            zurakowski          1  COMPLETED      0:0
 +9176640.0          date            zurakowski          1  COMPLETED      0:0
 +Using ''ssacct -j 17035767'' instead is an example displaying the full text and clearly seeing ''OUT_OF_MEMORY'' as follows
 +<code bash>
 +│JobID           │ JobName │ Partition │ Account │ AllocCPUS │ State         │ │
 +│17035767        │ sbatch  │ devel     │ it_nss  │         1 │ OUT_OF_MEMORY │ │
 +│17035767.batch  │ batch   │           │ it_nss  │         1 │ OUT_OF_MEMORY │ │
 +│17035767.extern │ extern  │           │ it_nss  │         1 │ COMPLETED     │ │
 +│                                                                              │
 +│                                                                              │
 +│                                                                              │
 +│                                                                              │
 +│                                                                              │
 +│                                                                              │
 +│                                                                              │
 +│                                                                              │
 +│                                                                              │
 +│                                                                              │
 +│                                                                              │
 +│                                                                              │
 +│                                                                              │
 +│                                                                              │
 +│                                                                              │
 +│ [Q]uit   [P]rev/[N]ext page   Page [L]eft/[R]ight   [E]nd/[B]eginning of list│
 +and pressing ''R'' to move right to see more, you see the following
 +<code bash>
 +│        │ JobName │ Partition │ Account │ AllocCPUS │ State         │ ExitCode│
 +│        │ sbatch  │ devel     │ it_nss  │         1 │ OUT_OF_MEMORY │ 0:125   │
 +│.batch  │ batch   │           │ it_nss  │         1 │ OUT_OF_MEMORY │ 0:125   │
 +│.extern │ extern  │           │ it_nss  │         1 │ COMPLETED     │ 0:0     │
 +│                                                                              │
 +│                                                                              │
 +│                                                                              │
 +│                                                                              │
 +│                                                                              │
 +│                                                                              │
 +│                                                                              │
 +│                                                                              │
 +│                                                                              │
 +│                                                                              │
 +│                                                                              │
 +│                                                                              │
 +│                                                                              │
 +│                                                                              │
 +│                                                                              │
 +│ [Q]uit   [P]rev/[N]ext page   Page [L]eft/[R]ight   [E]nd/[B]eginning of list│
 +===== Deleting a job ======
 +Use the **scancel**  <<//job_id//>> command to remove pending and running jobs from the queue.
 +For example, to delete job 28000
 +<code bash>
 +  scancel 28000
 +===== Available Resources =====
 +Although no one can claim ownership of particular nodes on Caviness, fair share policy has been implemented based on the purchases and using the quality-of-service (QOS) concept of Slurm. There is no ability to represent per-account/per-partition limits via associations. Instead, the Slurm QOS facility must be used. Each QOS has its own set of aggregate limits that apply regardless of the account, user, or partition involved with jobs. Access to each QOS can be granted by means of associations. Each QOS is **usable only on those partitions that explicitly allow it.**
 +Each //investing-entity// (workgroup) is associated with a QOS (same name as the workgroup) which is again mapped to the various [[abstract:caviness:runjobs:queues|workgroup-partitions]] based on the purchases. 
 +One can determine the nodes that your workgroup has access to by using the ''scontrol'' command. Since each workgroup has a partition on its name, the command to check the nodes for the //investing-entity// (workgroup) for ''it_css'' would be
 +<code bash>
 +[traine@login01 bin]$  scontrol show partition it_css
 +   AllowGroups=ALL AllowAccounts=it_css AllowQos=priority-access,normal
 +   AllocNodes=ALL Default=NO QoS=it_css
 +   DefaultTime=00:30:00 DisableRootJobs=NO ExclusiveUser=NO GraceTime=0 Hidden=NO
 +   MaxNodes=UNLIMITED MaxTime=7-00:00:00 MinNodes=1 LLN=NO MaxCPUsPerNode=UNLIMITED
 +   Nodes=r00g[01-04],r00n[01-55],r01g[00-04],r01n[01-55],r02s[00-01]
 +   PriorityJobFactor=1 PriorityTier=10 RootOnly=NO ReqResv=NO OverSubscribe=YES:4
 +   OverTimeLimit=NONE PreemptMode=REQUEUE
 +   State=UP TotalCPUs=4356 TotalNodes=121 SelectTypeParameters=NONE
 +   DefMemPerNode=UNLIMITED MaxMemPerNode=UNLIMITED
 +   TRESBillingWeights=CPU=1.0,Mem=1.0
 +Now to check the usable memory on each accessible node of a given //investing-entity// (workgroup), please use the [[abstract:caviness:runjobs:job_status#qhost|qhost]] command.
 +==== sworkgroup ====
 +To get a summary of the partitions and resources that you and your workgroup have access to, one can use ''sworkgroup'' (UD IT customized utility) command:
 +<code bash>
 +[(it_css:traine)@login01 ~]$ sworkgroup --help
 +usage: sworkgroup [-h] [--workgroup group] [--limits] [--noheader]
 +                  [--human-readable] [--parseable]
 +Show Slurm partitions and limits for a workgroup
 +optional arguments:
 +  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
 +  --workgroup group, -g group
 +                        display partitions available to a specific workgroup
 +  --limits, -l          show TRES limits for each partition
 +  --noheader, -N        do not display column headers on output
 +  --human-readable, -H  show TRES in a more human-readable format
 +  --parseable           show as parseable lines rather than a tabular format
 +TRES stands for Slurm Trackable RESources that are implemented in the scheduler: CPU usage, memory usage, time. This is important as the usage of the cluster factors TRES into the fairshare calculation. Also, TRES allows the scheduler to charge back users for how much they have used of their particular resources available on the cluster.
 +<code bash>
 +[(it_css:traine)@login01 ~]$  sworkgroup --workgroup=it_css --limits
 +Partition Per user Per job Per workgroup
 +devel     2 jobs   cpu=4
 +it_css                     cpu=72,node=2,gres/gpu:p100=1
 +standard  cpu=720  cpu=360
 +==== Host Status, Literally (sinfo or ssinfo) ====
 +Slurm also features a ''sinfo'' command that can be used to report status of all the nodes of cluster, period, no job information or information will be displayed. The ''ssinfo'' version is a a UD IT version of ''sinfo'' that provides output as an interactive spreadsheet using the curses display library such that each column in the spreadsheet is sized to match the longest string present, rather than truncating at a fixed width as the Slurm commands do. The same options for ''sinfo'' work with ''sssinfo'' too.
 +<code bash>
 +[(it_css:traine)@login00 it_css]$ sinfo --long --Node | more
 +Thu May 26 11:55:03 2022
 +r00g00                   devel        idle   72   2:36:1 126976   910149      1 Gen1,E5- none
 +r00g01                  it_css       mixed   36   2:18:1 126976   910149  10000 Gen1,E5- none
 +r00g01                  it_nss       mixed   36   2:18:1 126976   910149  10000 Gen1,E5- none
 +r00g01                   kirby       mixed   36   2:18:1 126976   910149  10000 Gen1,E5- none
 +r00g01               standard*       mixed   36   2:18:1 126976   910149  10000 Gen1,E5- none
 +r00g01                reserved       mixed   36   2:18:1 126976   910149  10000 Gen1,E5- none
 +r00g02                  it_css   allocated   36   2:18:1 256000   910149  20000 Gen1,E5- none
 +r00g02                  it_nss   allocated   36   2:18:1 256000   910149  20000 Gen1,E5- none
 +r00g02              biophysics   allocated   36   2:18:1 256000   910149  20000 Gen1,E5- none
 +r00g02               standard*   allocated   36   2:18:1 256000   910149  20000 Gen1,E5- none
 +r00g02                reserved   allocated   36   2:18:1 256000   910149  20000 Gen1,E5- none
 +r00g03                  it_css       mixed   36   2:18:1 514048   910149  30000 Gen1,E5- none
 +r00g03                  it_nss       mixed   36   2:18:1 514048   910149  30000 Gen1,E5- none
 +r00g03         1 ececis_research       mixed   36   2:18:1 514048   910149  30000 Gen1,E5- none
 +r00g03               standard*       mixed   36   2:18:1 514048   910149  30000 Gen1,E5- none
 +r00g03                reserved       mixed   36   2:18:1 514048   910149  30000 Gen1,E5- none
 +r00g04                  it_css   allocated   36   2:18:1 256000   910149  20000 Gen1,E5- none
 +r00g04                  it_nss   allocated   36   2:18:1 256000   910149  20000 Gen1,E5- none
 +r00g04              biophysics   allocated   36   2:18:1 256000   910149  20000 Gen1,E5- none
 +r00g04               standard*   allocated   36   2:18:1 256000   910149  20000 Gen1,E5- none
 +r00g04                reserved   allocated   36   2:18:1 256000   910149  20000 Gen1,E5- none
 +r04n76                   kirby       mixed   40   2:20:1 191488   910149     10 Gen2.1,G none
 +r04n76             kuehl_group       mixed   40   2:20:1 191488   910149     10 Gen2.1,G none
 +r04n76           jayaraman_lab       mixed   40   2:20:1 191488   910149     10 Gen2.1,G none
 +r04n76                 dditoro       mixed   40   2:20:1 191488   910149     10 Gen2.1,G none
 +r04n76                  it_css       mixed   40   2:20:1 191488   910149     10 Gen2.1,G none
 +r04n76                  it_nss       mixed   40   2:20:1 191488   910149     10 Gen2.1,G none
 +r04n76                reserved       mixed   40   2:20:1 191488   910149     10 Gen2.1,G none
 +r04n76               standard*       mixed   40   2:20:1 191488   910149     10 Gen2.1,G none
 +r04s00                lianglab       mixed   40   2:20:1 385024        0 100000 Gen2.1,G none
 +r04s00                  ecosys       mixed   40   2:20:1 385024        0 100000 Gen2.1,G none
 +r04s00                  it_css       mixed   40   2:20:1 385024        0 100000 Gen2.1,G none
 +r04s00                  it_nss       mixed   40   2:20:1 385024        0 100000 Gen2.1,G none
 +r04s00                reserved       mixed   40   2:20:1 385024        0 100000 Gen2.1,G none
 +r04s00               standard*       mixed   40   2:20:1 385024        0 100000 Gen2.1,G none
 +r04s01                lianglab       mixed   40   2:20:1 385024        0 100000 Gen2.1,G none
 +r04s01                  ecosys       mixed   40   2:20:1 385024        0 100000 Gen2.1,G none
 +r04s01                  it_css       mixed   40   2:20:1 385024        0 100000 Gen2.1,G none
 +r04s01                  it_nss       mixed   40   2:20:1 385024        0 100000 Gen2.1,G none
 +r04s01                reserved       mixed   40   2:20:1 385024        0 100000 Gen2.1,G none
 +r04s01               standard*       mixed   40   2:20:1 385024        0 100000 Gen2.1,G none
 +The command has other options that will be discussed elsewhere; view the ''sinfo'' man page for a description of all options available.
 +Memory refers to the size of memory for each node in MB.The column S:C:T refers to the extended processor information: number of sockets, cores, threads (S:C:T) per node, whereas TMP_DISK refers to the size of temporary disk space per node in megabytes. WEIGHT column refers to scheduling weight of the nodes.
 +To fetch the information of one particular node, add ''-n'' argument followed by node number.
 +<code bash>
 +[traine@login01.caviness ~]$ sinfo --long --Node -n r01n55
 +Thu May 26 11:52:36 2022
 +r01n55                it_css       mixed   36   2:18:1 126976   910149     10 Gen1,E5- none
 +r01n55                it_nss       mixed   36   2:18:1 126976   910149     10 Gen1,E5- none
 +r01n55             afwallace       mixed   36   2:18:1 126976   910149     10 Gen1,E5- none
 +r01n55                  cbbi       mixed   36   2:18:1 126976   910149     10 Gen1,E5- none
 +r01n55          ccei_biomass       mixed   36   2:18:1 126976   910149     10 Gen1,E5- none
 +r01n55             cieg_core       mixed   36   2:18:1 126976   910149     10 Gen1,E5- none
 +r01n55                   clj       mixed   36   2:18:1 126976   910149     10 Gen1,E5- none
 +r01n55               dditoro       mixed   36   2:18:1 126976   910149     10 Gen1,E5- none
 +r01n55             disasters       mixed   36   2:18:1 126976   910149     10 Gen1,E5- none
 +r01n55            elliottlab       mixed   36   2:18:1 126976   910149     10 Gen1,E5- none
 +r01n55              gleghorn       mixed   36   2:18:1 126976   910149     10 Gen1,E5- none
 +r01n55         1 jayaraman_lab       mixed   36   2:18:1 126976   910149     10 Gen1,E5- none
 +r01n55           kukulka_lab       mixed   36   2:18:1 126976   910149     10 Gen1,E5- none
 +r01n55             mcconnell       mixed   36   2:18:1 126976   910149     10 Gen1,E5- none
 +r01n55                oceans       mixed   36   2:18:1 126976   910149     10 Gen1,E5- none
 +r01n55                   orb       mixed   36   2:18:1 126976   910149     10 Gen1,E5- none
 +r01n55           roberts_lab       mixed   36   2:18:1 126976   910149     10 Gen1,E5- none
 +r01n55                  thsu       mixed   36   2:18:1 126976   910149     10 Gen1,E5- none
 +r01n55               ud_zlab       mixed   36   2:18:1 126976   910149     10 Gen1,E5- none
 +r01n55             udgeotech       mixed   36   2:18:1 126976   910149     10 Gen1,E5- none
 +r01n55            zurakowski       mixed   36   2:18:1 126976   910149     10 Gen1,E5- none
 +r01n55             standard*       mixed   36   2:18:1 126976   910149     10 Gen1,E5- none
 +r01n55              reserved       mixed   36   2:18:1 126976   910149     10 Gen1,E5- none
 +To fetch the information of all the nodes for a particular partition, use the ''-p'' argument followed the partition. 
 +<code bash>
 +[traine@login01.caviness ~]$ sinfo --long --Node -p biophysics
 +Wed Apr 19 11:32:53 2023
 +r00g02         1 biophysics   allocated   36   2:18:1 256000   910149  20000 Gen1,E5- none
 +r00g04         1 biophysics        idle   36   2:18:1 256000   910149  20000 Gen1,E5- none
 +r01g02         1 biophysics        idle   36   2:18:1 256000   910149  20000 Gen1,E5- none
 +r01g03         1 biophysics        idle   36   2:18:1 256000   910149  20000 Gen1,E5- none
 +r01g04         1 biophysics        idle   36   2:18:1 256000   910149  20000 Gen1,E5- none
 +Here is the output from ''ssinfo –long –Node -p biophysics'' to see the full text especially in the AVAIL_FEATURES column
 +<code bash>
 +│Wed Apr 19 11:26:28 2023                                                   │
 +│────────────────────────                                                   │
 +│NODELIST                 │ NODES │ PARTITION  │ STATE     │ CPUS │ S:C:T  ││
 +│r00g02                   │ 1     │ biophysics │ allocated │ 36   │ 2:18:1 ││
 +│r00g04                   │ 1     │ biophysics │ idle      │ 36   │ 2:18:1 ││
 +│r01g02                   │ 1     │ biophysics │ idle      │ 36   │ 2:18:1 ││
 +│r01g03                   │ 1     │ biophysics │ idle      │ 36   │ 2:18:1 ││
 +│r01g04                   │ 1     │ biophysics │ idle      │ 36   │ 2:18:1 ││
 +│                                                                           │
 +│                                                                           │
 +│                                                                           │
 +│                                                                           │
 +│                                                                           │
 +│                                                                           │
 +│                                                                           │
 +│                                                                           │
 +│                                                                           │
 +│                                                                           │
 +│                                                                           │
 +│                                                                           │
 +│ [Q]uit   [P]rev/[N]ext page   Page [L]eft/[R]ight   [E]nd/[B]eginning of l│
 +and pressing ''R'' to move right to see more, you see the following
 +<code bash>
 +│                                                                           │
 +│                                                                           │
 +│2:18:1 │ 256000 │ 910149   │ 20000  │ Gen1,E5-2695,E5-2695v4,256GB │ none  │
 +│2:18:1 │ 256000 │ 910149   │ 20000  │ Gen1,E5-2695,E5-2695v4,256GB │ none  │
 +│2:18:1 │ 256000 │ 910149   │ 20000  │ Gen1,E5-2695,E5-2695v4,256GB │ none  │
 +│2:18:1 │ 256000 │ 910149   │ 20000  │ Gen1,E5-2695,E5-2695v4,256GB │ none  │
 +│2:18:1 │ 256000 │ 910149   │ 20000  │ Gen1,E5-2695,E5-2695v4,256GB │ none  │
 +│                                                                           │
 +│                                                                           │
 +│                                                                           │
 +│                                                                           │
 +│                                                                           │
 +│                                                                           │
 +│                                                                           │
 +│                                                                           │
 +│                                                                           │
 +│                                                                           │
 +│                                                                           │
 +│                                                                           │
 +│ [Q]uit   [P]rev/[N]ext page   Page [L]eft/[R]ight   [E]nd/[B]eginning of l│
 +===== UD IT Status Commands =====
 +UD IT has created additional status summary commands that build on the ''squeue'' and ''sacct'' commands provided by Slurm.  In most cases these commands are conveniences that fill-in some of the options that were summarized above for the user.  All commands display a terse summary of their options if the ''-h'' or ''--help'' option is provided with the command.
 +<note warning>These commands are not part of the Slurm job scheduling software.  They are made available on clusters maintained by UD IT that use the Slurm job scheduler and are not likely to be available on other clusters to which a user has access.</note>
 +==== sjobs ====
 +The ''sjobs'' command displays job status in a more compact format:
 +<code bash>
 +[traine@login01 ~]$ sjobs -h
 +usage: sjobs [-h] [-a] [-G] [-g <workgroup>] [-u <username>] [-t] [-H]
 +             [--parseable] [-d <string>]
 +Display information for running and queued jobs
 +optional arguments:
 +  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
 +job selection options:
 +  -a, --all             show all users (not just yourself)
 +  -G, --current-group   show jobs for users in your current workgroup
 +  -g <workgroup>, --group <workgroup>
 +                        show jobs for users in the given workgroup (can be
 +                        used multiple times)
 +  -u <username>, --user <username>
 +                        show jobs for the given user (can be used multiple
 +                        times)
 +output options:
 +  -t, --totals          show total jobs, users, groups, cpus, nodes, and tasks
 +  -H, --no-header       do not show column headers
 +  --parseable           do not display in a tabular format
 +  -d <string>, --delimiter <string>
 +                        when --parseable is selected, separate columns with
 +                        this string
 +If no job selection options are provided then jobs for the current user will
 +be displayed.
 +<code bash>
 +[(it_css:traine)@login01 ~]$ sjobs
 +----- -------- ------- ---------- ------ ----- ------ ------
 + 1904 traine RUNNING arrayJob   it_css          1      1
 + 1903 traine RUNNING openmp_job it_css          1      1
 +By default, only jobs owned by the user issuing the command are displayed.  The ''-g'' option followed by the group name displays jobs for users who are members of that specific group:
 +<code bash>
 +[(it_css:traine)@login00 ~]$ sjobs -g ud_zlab
 +------ ------- ------- ----------- ------- ----- ------ ------
 +351369 fazle   PENDING polySiC     ud_zlab   128      4    128
 +349950 zhangzc RUNNING L9.  ud_zlab    32      2     32
 +349944 zhangzc RUNNING L5z. ud_zlab    32      2     32
 +349929 zhangzc RUNNING L5z. ud_zlab    32      2     32
 +The ''-a'' option displays jobs for all cluster users.
 +==== sworkgroup ====
 +Another UD IT command that displays the partitions and resources that a workgroup have access to on the Caviness cluster. This has been already discussed on the same page under [[abstract:caviness:runjobs:job_status#sworkgroup|Available Resources]]
 +==== qhost ====
 +''qhost'' is a wrapper written for Caviness to consolidate the information collected from Slurm commands and joined together to display the host/node information in a similar fashion to that of ''qhost'' on Farber.
 +<code bash>
 +[traine@login01 ~]$ qhost --help
 +usage: qhost [-help] [-h <hostlist>] [-ncb] [-j] [-u <username>] [--help]
 +             [--hosts <hostlist>] [--jobs] [--users <userlist>]
 +             [--no-node-sort] [--std-host-topo]
 +Display host information akin to Grid Engine qhost
 +original options:
 +  options inherited from Grid Engine qhost
 +  -help                print this help
 +  -h <hostlist>        display only selected hosts
 +  -ncb                 suppress host topology based information
 +  -j                   display jobs running on the host(s)
 +  -u <username>        show only jobs for user
 +extended options:
 +  additional options not present in Grid Engine qhost
 +  --help               alternate to -help
 +  --hosts <hostlist>   alternate to -h
 +  --jobs               alternate to -j
 +  --users <userlist>   alternate to -u
 +  --no-node-sort, -S   do not sort the list of nodes by name before displaying
 +  --std-host-topo, -T  show host topology as sockets, cores-per-socket, and
 +                       threads-per-core
 +A <hostlist> is one or more node names or name patterns (e.g. r00n[00-24])
 +separated by commas. A <userlist> is one or more user names separated by
 +The following example shows the specifications for node ''r01n047'' and this is helpful to understand that the actual **usable** memory on ''r01n047'' is 124.0G versus the physical memory which is 128G. This is important when specifying the amount of memory as a option especially when using a workgroup partition.  See details about managing jobs using command options for sbatch: [[abstract:caviness:runjobs:schedule_jobs#memory | Memory ]]
 +<code bash>
 +[traine@login01 ~]$ qhost -h r01n47
 +r01n47                  E5-2695v4      36    2   36   36  0.99  124.0G   36.0G     0.0     0.0
 +Adding option ''-j'' will now show the jobs running on node ''r01n47'' in this example.
 +<code bash>
 +[traine@login01 ~]$ qhost -h r01n47 -j
 +r01n47                  E5-2695v4      36    2   36   36  0.42  125.8G    0.0M     0.0     0.0
 +        job-ID        prior name             user     state submit/start at        queue        master   ja-task-ID
 +  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 +        139102         2788 BLSSM_NU1f197    hpcguest1015     2018-12-05T10:19:28    standard     MASTER
 +        139103         2788 BLSSM_NU1f198    hpcguest1015     2018-12-05T10:19:28    standard     MASTER
 +        139104         2788 BLSSM_NU1f199    hpcguest1015     2018-12-05T10:19:28    standard     MASTER
 +        139105         2788 BLSSM_NU1f200    hpcguest1015     2018-12-05T10:19:28    standard     MASTER
 +        139106         2788 BLSSM_NU1f201    hpcguest1015     2018-12-05T10:19:28    standard     MASTER
 +        139107         2788 BLSSM_NU1f202    hpcguest1015     2018-12-05T10:19:28    standard     MASTER
 +        139108         2788 BLSSM_NU1f203    hpcguest1015     2018-12-05T10:19:28    standard     MASTER
 +        139109         2788 BLSSM_NU1f204    hpcguest1015     2018-12-05T10:19:28    standard     MASTER
 +        139110         2788 BLSSM_NU1f205    hpcguest1015     2018-12-05T10:19:28    standard     MASTER
 +        139111         2788 BLSSM_NU1f206    hpcguest1015     2018-12-05T10:19:28    standard     MASTER
 +        139112         2788 BLSSM_NU1f207    hpcguest1015     2018-12-05T10:19:28    standard     MASTER
 +        139113         2788 BLSSM_NU1f208    hpcguest1015     2018-12-05T10:19:28    standard     MASTER
 +        139114         2788 BLSSM_NU1f209    hpcguest1015     2018-12-05T10:19:28    standard     MASTER
 +        139115         2788 BLSSM_NU1f210    hpcguest1015     2018-12-05T10:19:28    standard     MASTER
 +        139116         2788 BLSSM_NU1f211    hpcguest1015     2018-12-05T10:19:28    standard     MASTER
 +==== squota ====
 +''squota'' is similar to the ''qquota'' command available on Mills and Farber. ''squota'' displays the current utilization of guaranteed (purchased) resources for the workgroup.
 +<code bash>
 +[traine@login00 slurm]$ squota --help
 +usage: squota [-h] [--json] [--yaml] [-g <workgroup>]
 +Display workgroup resource quota usage
 +optional arguments:
 +  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
 +  --json                output in JSON format
 +  --yaml                output in YAML format
 +  -g <workgroup>, --group <workgroup>
 +                        display a specific workgroup (by name); without this
 +                        flag, the Unix group of the calling process is used
 +<code bash>
 +[traine@login00 ~]$ squota -g ececis_research
 +resource         used   limit    pct
 +~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~
 +node               13
 +mem           1732608 1927168  89.9%
 +gres/gpu            4       4 100.0%
 +gres/gpu:v100               0.0%
 +gres/gpu:p100              50.0%
 +cpu               152     152 100.0%
 +This particular group purchased 4 GPUs (2 ''gpu:v100'' and 2 ''gpu:p100'').  All 4 GPUs purchased are currently in use (3 did not specify a GPU model as part of the submission, and 1 job did ''gpu:p100'').
 +<note important>Slurm does not require specifying a particular GPU model as part of your submission to allow you to get whatever GPU model is available to satisfy your job.  As a result, ''squota'' uses ''gres/gpu'' to represent the total number of GPUs purchased by the workgroup (or their total number of guaranteed GPU resources) and total usage, while the listings ''gres/gpu:v100'', ''gres/gpu:p100'' and ''gres/gpu:t4'' represents a breakdown of what GPU models were purchased by the workgroup and usage based on specifying a GPU model as part of the job submission.
 +<code bash>
 +[traine@login01 ~]$ squota -g ccei_biomass --yaml
 +  limit: 1596
 +  percentage: 50.68922305764411
 +  usage: 809
 +  limit: 4
 +  percentage: 0.0
 +  usage: 0
 +  limit: 2
 +  percentage: 0.0
 +  usage: 0
 +  limit: 2
 +  percentage: 0.0
 +  usage: 0
 +  limit: 9268224
 +  percentage: 45.50878355982764
 +  usage: 4217856
 +  usage: 25
 +This particular group also purchased 4 GPUs (2 ''gpu:t4'' and 2 ''gpu:v100'').  All 4 GPUs purchased are not being used.
 +==== qstatgrp ====
 +''qstatgrp'' makes use of the Slurm commands ''squeue'' and ''sacctmgr'' to display the current utilization of resources within a workgroup. Using the ''-h'' or ''--help'' argument will display the list of operations and options that can be used with qstatgrp.
 +<code bash>
 +[(it_css:traine)@login00 ~]$ qstatgrp --help
 +usage: qstatgrp [-h] [-g <gid>] [-o] [-j]
 +Display per-workgroup job information akin to Grid Engine qstatgrp
 +optional arguments:
 +  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
 +  -g <gid>, --group <gid>
 +                        restrict to jobs running under the given workgroup
 +                        (can be specified multiple times)
 +  -o, --group-only      display for the workgroup partition only
 +  -j, --jobs            show all jobs, not an aggregate summary of them
 +With no options specified ''qstatgrp'' will list a summary of current utilization of resources for the current workgroup. To see the current utilization for a particular workgroup use the ''-g '' option.
 +<code bash>
 +[traine@login01 ~]$ qstatgrp -g ccm_gillespi
 +PARTITION                      NODES        CPUS   MAX NODES    MAX CPUS
 +ccm_gillespi                               216          11         396
 +standard                                    72
 +- TOTAL                            9         288
 +And to see the individual jobs and resources being used for the default workgroup, use the ''-j'' option or add the workgroup to see for a particular workgroup.
 +<code bash>
 +[(it_css:traine)@login00 ~]$ qstatgrp -g ccm_gillespi -j
 +PARTITION               JOBID                   OWNER       PRIORITY STATE       NODES        CPUS         MEM                    GRES
 +standard                350230                  jyeon           2198    PD                    95          8G
 +standard                350231                  jyeon           2198    PD                   100          8G
 +standard                351092                  sanjib          2207    PD                              1G
 +standard                351279                  daksha          2165    PD                    80          8G
 +standard                351280                  daksha          2165    PD                    90          8G
 +standard                350217                  jyeon           2121              24          90          8G
 +standard                350202                  jyeon           2120              19         100          8G
 +standard                350104                  sanjib          2142                                  1G
 +standard                344337                  daksha          2686                       100          8G
 +standard                344336                  daksha          2650              22         100          8G
 +standard                344335                  daksha          2594              17          95          8G
 +standard                344334                  daksha          2582              21          95          8G
 +standard                342446                  jyeon           2792              14         100          8G
 +standard                342443                  jyeon           2678              20          95          8G
 +standard                342356                  sanjib          2529                        12          1G
 +standard                342353                  sanjib          2522                                  1G
 +standard                334339                  sanjib          2670                       108          1G
 +==== spreempted ====
 +Due to a certain level of inconsistency in Slurm's error logging, preempted jobs are notified as ''FAILED'' due to improper handling of SIGCONT/SIGTERM signals which leads to default behavior of SIGTERM that makes jobs to immediately exit rather than waiting for a grace period of 5 minutes (technically should happen when job is preempted). Therefore to really determine if a job has been preempted or not, UD IT has developed a command which tests various conditions and concludes on preemption.
 +Also please note that, preemption occurs only to the jobs are being submitted to the ''standard'' partition.
 +<code bash>
 +[traine@login01 ~]$ spreempted -h
 +usage: spreempted [-h] [--verbose] [--quiet] [--show-jobid]
 +                  [--sort-properties] [--jobid <job-id>{,<job-id>..}]
 +Determine if jobs were preempted
 +optional arguments:
 +  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
 +  --verbose, -v         Emit additional information
 +  --quiet, -q           Do not summarize preemptions, just return non-zero
 +                        result code if any were preempted
 +  --show-jobid, -s      Always prefix output lines with job id
 +  --sort-properties     For verbose output, show properties in alphabetized
 +                        order
 +  --jobid <job-id>{,<job-id>..}, -j <job-id>{,<job-id>..}
 +                        Slurm job id to check; can be used multiple times to
 +                        check more than one job. For array jobs, use the
 +                        syntax #_# for individual array indices
 +<code bash>
 +[traine@login01 ~]$ spreempted -j 410289
 +preempted, did not reach grace period limit