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abstract:caviness:install_software [2018-07-24 13:31] – [Filesystem] tottenabstract:caviness:install_software [2018-08-23 10:26] (current) – removed anita
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-===== UDBUILD Software Deployment ===== 
-The software installed and deployed on the Caviness cluster each has it's own 
-methods for compiling and installing.  To manage this process, the HPC team 
-has a set of standards and technology used to reduce complexity and bring 
-consistency to the process. 
-Software is built, installed, and accessed using the 
-[[software:valet:valet|VALET]] system developed by Dr. Jeffrey Frey.  IT 
-developed a set of software helper functions which can be access using VALET 
-by importing the ''udbuild'' vpkg. 
-This page describes the filesystem layout used by IT, and the anatomy of the 
-''udbuild'' file used to build and deploy software.  Throughout this process, 
-it is helpful to have an understanding of how to use 
-[[software:valet:valet|VALET]] to add and remove software packages from your 
-==== Filesystem ==== 
-Software is deployed to ''/opt/shared''. 
-The ''udbuild'' system defaults to this ''/opt/shared'' 
-location.  However, this can be changed by setting the ''UDBUILD_HOME'' 
-environment variable before initializing the ubuild environment.  A good 
-value for this environment variable for workgroup software is 
-''$WORKDIR/sw'', and for personal software installation is 
-Beneath this directory should be an ''attic'' sub-directory for downloaded 
-software bundles, optionally an ''add-ons'' directory for software with 
-optional add-ons, and one sub-directory for each package installed. 
-These sub-directories should always be in all lower-case letter.  One more 
-layer down should be a directory for each version of the software installed. 
-It is important understand that on a complex cluster like Caviness, the same 
-release of a software package may have multiple installations due to various 
-compiler and dependency package requirements.  These directories are the 
-software installation roots. 
-Underneath the installation root should be a directory called ''src'', which 
-is the un-packed source bundle.  Next to ''src'' should be any ''bin'', 
-''lib'', ''share'', etc. directories neccessary for the final deployment. 
-An illustrated example of the software directory structure is as such: 
-  * opt 
-    * shared 
-      * atlas 
-         * 3.10.3 
-         * 3.10.3-intel 
-         * attic 
-           * ''udbuild''  <sup>// - build and install script for atlas//</sup> 
-      * python 
-         * 2.7.8 
-         * 3.2.5 
-         * add-ons 
-           * python2.7.15 
-             * mpi 
-               * 20180613 
-           * python3.2.5 
-         * attic 
-           * ''udbuild''   <sup>// - build and install script for python//</sup> 
-==== Building ==== 
-When building software, the base directory structure (including the ''attic'' 
-directory) should be created by you before proceeding further. 
-You should download the software source bundle into ''attic'' Then, 
-unpack the software bundle and rename the directory to ''src'' as 
-above.  This provides consistency in finding the source bundle and the 
-''udbuild'' file. 
-Examples of builds are provided below (after the udbuild function 
-=== udbuild functions === 
-== init_udbuildenv == 
-This function initializes the udbuild environment. It ensures that you have 
-the required ''PKGNAME'' and ''VERSION'' environment variables defined, you do 
-not have VALET packages loaded before ''udbuild'' in your VALET history (these 
-might affect your build), sets compiler variables like CC, FC, etc., then 
-finally sets your ''PREFIX'' and ''VERSION'' variables based on it's 
-command-line.  These command-line options affect ''init_udbuildenv'': 
-  * none - This is equivalent to not supplying any parameters 
-  * python-addon - Ensure a python VALET package is loaded, and set PREFIX \ 
-    appropriately for that python version's add-on installation path 
-  * r-addon - Ensure an R VALET package is loaded, and set PREFIX \ 
-    appropriately for that R version's add-on installation path 
-  * Any other arguments are treated as the names of VALET packages which are \ 
-    loaded and added to the ''VERSION'' environment variable. 
-After all of this, your ''PREFIX'' variable will be set to 
-  ${UDBUILD_HOME:-/opt/shared}/$PKGNAME/$VERSION 
-== valet == 
-This function takes either the name of a package (e.g. ''openmpi''), or a 
-package name/version pair (e.g. ''openmpi/1.8.2'') and return true if there 
-is a VALET package loaded to satisfy this dependency, and false otherwise. 
-This function can be used along with any other shell constructs, such as 
-''if'' ... ''else'' ... ''fi'', to modify the behaviour of a build. 
-== version == 
-This function takes a string and validates that it exists as a complete 
-entry (i.e. starts, stops, or is bounded by hyphens) in the VERSION string. 
-This function can be used along with any other shell constructs, such as 
-''if'' ... ''else'' ... ''fi'', to modify the behaviour of a build. 
-== ifvalet == 
-This function is shorthand for ''if valet "$1"; then shift; eval "$@"; fi'' 
-to make udbuild scripts simple to read and code. 
-== ifversion == 
-This function is shorthand for ''if version "$1"; then shift; eval "$@"; fi'' 
-to make udbuild scripts simple to read and code. 
-== udbuildcapture == 
-Put all screen output into a capture file.  The main purpose of this is to 
-log questions answered during an interactive isntall, to document what 
-choices were made. 
-== udbuildmon == 
-This script is helpful to be run during the install phase of a build, for 
-  udbuildmon make install 
-It will log all ''open'' for write and ''mkdir'' system calls and log them to 
-a file named ''udbuildmon.log'' You can use this log file to verify the 
-build did not write any files to unknown locations.  This function should not 
-be necessary with [[http://www.cmake.org|cmake]] builds, as they normally 
-store this information in an ''install_manifest.txt'' file. 
-=== udbuild script examples === 
-== simple == 
-In this example, an easy-to-install software package called cmake is built 
-and isntalled.  It has no software dependencies, and uses the standard  
-''configure'', ''make'', ''make install'' procedure used by very many 
-open source software packages. 
-To prepare for this build, you would want to create the following directories: 
-<file sh udbuild> 
-#/bin/bash -l 
-PKGNAME=cmake                       #These are required variables and must 
-VERSION=3.0.1                       #be set before calling 'init_udbuildenv' 
-vpkg_devrequire udbuild             #Use VALET to load the udbuild environment 
-init_udbuildenv                     #Initialize the udbuild environment 
-./configure --prefix=$PREFIX        #Run your normal configure, without 
-                                    #having to define your own PREFIX 
-                                    #variable, because 'init_udbuildenv' did 
-                                    #that for you. 
-make                                #normal make commands 
-udbuildmon make install             #wrap your 'make install' with the 
-                                    #'udbuildmon' function to log what files 
-                                    #and directories were changed. 
-It is imperitive to start udbuild scripts with the string ''#!/bin/bash -l'' 
-because this instructs bash to setup the VALET system. 
-== medium == 
-<file sh udbuild> 
-#!/bin/bash -l 
-vpkg_devrequire udbuild 
-vpkg_devrequire netcdf/4.3.2 grib/1.12.3 udunits/2.2.17 proj/4 fftw/3 
-./configure --prefix="$PREFIX"                          \ 
-                --with-szlib="$SZIP_PREFIX"             \ 
-                --with-hdf5="$HDF5_PREFIX"              \ 
-                --with-netcdf="$NETCDF_PREFIX"          \ 
-                --with-grib_api="$GRIB_PREFIX"          \ 
-                --with-proj="$PROJ_PREFIX"              \ 
-                --with-udunits2="$UDUNITS_PREFIX"       \ 
-                --with-threads=yes                      \ 
-                --with-curl=yes                         \ 
-                --with-libxml=yes 
-udbuildmon make install 
-In this example, we use ''vpkg_devrequire'' to specify additional dependencies 
-needed to build the ''cdo'' package.  ''PREFIX'', however, will still be set 
-to ''/opt/shared/cdo/1.6.4''. 
-== complex == 
-<file sh udbuild> 
-#!/bin/bash -l 
-vpkg_devrequire udbuild szip/2.1 
-init_udbuildenv intel64 
-ifvalet intel64         'CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -qopt-jump-tables=large"' 
-ifversion sansnetcdf    'CONFIGURE_FLAGS="--disable-netcdf"' 
-# Make shared libraries (sans fortran support): 
-./configure --prefix="$PREFIX" --enable-shared --disable-fortran \ 
-        --with-szlib=$SZIP_PREFIX $CONFIGURE_FLAGS 
-udbuildmon make install 
-make clean 
-# Make fortran enabled HDF4: 
-./configure --prefix="$PREFIX" --disable-shared --enable-fortran \ 
-        --with-szlib=$SZIP_PREFIX $CONFIGURE_FLAGS 
-udbuildmon make install 
-In this more complicated example, we still need dependencies, but this time 
-one of them will affect the ''PREFIX'' variable.  The Intel64 compiler will 
-be used, and PREFIX will be set to ''/opt/shared/hdf4/4.2.10-intel64''. 
-Furthermore, specific ''CFLAGS'' changes will be made for this compiler. 
-This example also illustrates how the ''VERSION'' string can be used.  Here, 
-we would set additional flags for the ''./configure'' script if the ''VERSION'' 
-string were set to ''4.2.10-sansnetcdf'' These options allow one build file 
-to build multiple versions of a package, and with only minor changes near 
-the top of the script (namely to the ''VERSION'' variable and the 
-''init_udbuildenv'' command-line. 
-Another interesting thing we do here is to make sure the installation is 
-as complete as possible.  HDF4 does not support shared object files for 
-fortran libraries.  So, first we build the shared objects which are possible, 
-then we enable fortran and ensure the full compliment of archive ''.a'' files 
-are present. 
-== python == 
-<file sh udbuild> 
-#!/bin/bash -l 
-# Change this to the version of netcdf 
-# Change this to the version of python 
-# Load the udbuild package 
-vpkg_devrequire udbuild 
-# These are all the dependencies for netcdf specifying the 
-# particular python version based on PY_VERS environment variable 
-vpkg_devrequire python/$PY_VERS 
-vpkg_devrequire python-numpy/python$PY_VERS 
-vpkg_devrequire netcdf/4.3 
-# This initializes the environment for the build based on the 
-vpkg_devrequire python-numpy/python$PY_VERS 
-vpkg_devrequire netcdf/4.3 
-# This initializes the environment for the build based on the 
-# package name and version, and we use the install option 
-# for a python add-on (python-addon) 
-init_udbuildenv python-addon 
-# These are environment variables needed for the install - hints for 
-# what might be needed can be found in the setup.cfg.template file 
-export HDF5_DIR=${HDF5_PREFIX} 
-export HDF4_DIR=${HDF4_PREFIX} 
-# Standard install is 'python setup.py build' but we use $PYTHON to get 
-# the correct version of python we are building the add-on for as defined  
-# above rather than a default system version 
-$PYTHON setup.py build 
-$PYTHON setup.py install --prefix=$PREFIX 
-The python example above is used to install the netcdf library version add-on for python version 2.7.8 in the shared research software directory ''$WORKDIR/sw'' following the directory setup described for [[#filesystem]] above. It is also considered a complex example since it displays the use of the option ''python-addon'' for ''init_udbuildenv'' to initialize the udbuild environment and ensure a python VALET package is loaded, sets ''PREFIX'' appropriately for python version's add-on installation path, and utilizes ''$PYTHON'' to get the correct version of python for the install. You can build and install the same version of netcdf for a different version of python by simply changing ''PY_VERS'' to the correct version and rerunning your udbuild script. To use the python add-on, you can setup a VALET package.  Below is an example VALET 2.0 json package called ''python-netcdf'' based on netcdf version installed for both python versions 2.7.8 and 3.2.5. You need to change ''<WORKGROUP_NAME>'' to match the corresponding shared research software directory workgroup name where you installed the python add-on software. 
-<file sh python-netcdf.vpkg_json> 
-# This is the python-netcdf package for VALET 2.0 
-# supporting json package style. 
-  "python-netcdf": { 
-# Change to your install location (i.e. <WORKGROUP_NAME>) 
-    "prefix":           "/home/work/<WORKGROUP_NAME>/sw/python/add-ons", 
-    "url":              "https://pypi.python.org/pypi/netCDF4", 
-    "description":      "Python NetCDF", 
-    "default-version":  "", 
-    "standard-paths":   true, 
-    "development-env":  false, 
-    "actions": [ 
-      { 
-        "action":       "path-prepend", 
-        "variable":     "PYTHONPATH", 
-        "value":        "${VALET_PATH_PREFIX}/lib/python${PYTHON_VERSION_SHORT}/site-packages" 
-      } 
-    ], 
-    "versions": { 
-      "python2.7.8": { 
-        "alias-to":     "" 
-      }, 
-      "python3.2.5": { 
-        "alias-to":     "" 
-      }, 
-      "": { 
-        "description":  "Version and python 2.7.8", 
-        "prefix":       "python2.7.8/netcdf/", 
-        "dependencies": [ 
-                        "python/2.7.8", 
-                        "python-numpy/python2.7.8", 
-        "prefix":       "python2.7.8/netcdf/", 
-        "dependencies": [ 
-                        "python/2.7.8", 
-                        "python-numpy/python2.7.8", 
-                        "netcdf/4.3" 
-        ] 
-      }, 
-      "": { 
-        "description":  "Version and python 3.2.5", 
-        "prefix":       "python3.2.5/netcdf/", 
-        "dependencies": [ 
-                        "python/3.2.5", 
-                        "python-numpy/python3.2.5", 
-                        "netcdf/4.3" 
-        ] 
-      } 
-    } 
-  } 
  • abstract/caviness/install_software.1532453470.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2018-07-24 13:31
  • by totten