Apptainer (formerly Singularity) is container software supported by the New Linux Foundation Project. For details see New Linux Foundation Project accelerates collaboration on container systems between enterprise and high-performance computing environments.
"Apptainer (formerly Singularity) simplifies the creation and execution of containers, ensuring software components are encapsulated for portability and reproducibility. Apptainer is a secure, portable, and easy-to-use container system that provides absolute trust and security. It is widely used across industry and academia in many areas of work."1)
If you need a specialized computing environment, you can use an Apptainer container. Your Apptainer container will execute on compute nodes and can use other HPC resources, including particular filesystems. Within your container you can use a different Unix operating system and any software you need. You can set up your Apptainer container without any intervention from IT staff.
Apptainer (formerly Singularity) documentation for each version of the software can be found on the official web site.