IT provides three job script (batch) template variants for mpi parallel environments located in /opt/shared/templates/slurm/generic/mpi on DARWIN:

  1. Open MPI: openmpi.qs
    • Found in /opt/shared/templates/slurm/generic/mpi/openmpi.
  2. Mpich: mpich.qs
    • Found in /opt/shared/templates/slurm/generic/mpi/mpich.
  3. Generic: mpi.qs
    • Found in /opt/shared/templates/slurm/generic/mpi/generic.

In general, we suggest using the Open MPI job script template, however

You may copy and customize these templates to provide the best performance when running your MPI applications, however you should keep the job script complete (i.e. do not delete lines or sections in the job script template).

It is a good idea to periodically check in /opt/shared/templates/slurm/generic/mpi for changes in existing templates, or the addition of new templates, designed to provide the best performance on DARWIN.