====== Using Wannier90 with the VASP DARWIN ====== This outlines the compilation of Wannier90 and how to use the Wannier90 library in VASP using Intel compiler. ====== Build Wannier90 ====== Prepare a Wannier90 folder. First, set up VALET package: [user@login00.darwin ~]$ vpkg_require openmpi/4.1.0:intel-2020 Copy the make.inc file in the config folder. [user@login00.darwin ~]$ cp config/make.inc.ifort make.inc Make the following changes in the make.inc file. MPIF90=mpif90 LIBDIR = LIBS = -mkl=sequential Build a library: [user@login00.darwin ~]$ make lib You will see the **libwannier.a** file in your current folder if you successfully compiled. ====== Build VASP with Wannier90 ====== Go to the VASP src folder (see the Software-VASP section for VASP compilation). Add the following to the makefile.include file. WANNIER90_ROOT ?= "Your Wannier90 work folder should contain the libwannier.a file." LLIBS += -L$(WANNIER90_ROOT)/lib -lwannier Compile VASP: [user@login00.darwin ~]$ make Add "LWANNIER90 = .TRUE." to your INCAR; this will produce Wannier90* files if you have successfully installed it.