====== Using ArcGIS on Farber ======
===== Batch job =====
In order to use the [[:software:arcgis:arcgis#install-arcgis-shell|ArcGIS shell]] it needs to be installed in your account. For account ''traine'' in workgroup ''it_css'', the ArcGIS shell was installed in ''$WORKDIR/traine/arcgis-10.1-shell''.
A python script is used to execute the GIS tasks like the ''arc-test.py'' below. This example refers to the full path of the input file as ''/lustre/work/it_css/ArcGIS'' and the output file as ''/lustre/work/it_css/traine/ArcGIS''.
# This example code produces a 100 Meter buffer of a point located in the center of Newark, DE
import arcpy
arcpy.Buffer_analysis("z:\\lustre\\work\\it_css\\ArcGIS\\nwkcntr.shp","z:\\lustre\\work\\it_css\\traine\\ArcGIS\\nwkcntr_Buffer","100 Meters","FULL","ROUND","NONE","#")
You will also need a queue submission file to run your GIS tasks which will be based on the ''serial.qs'' template in ''/opt/shared/templates/gridengine''. The example below is a modified version called ''arc-submit.qs'' for the account ''traine'' in workgroup ''it_css'' using the installed ArcGIS shell in ''/archive/it_css/traine/arcgis-10.1-shell''.
# Setup the environment; add vpkg_require commands after this
# line:
# Now append all of your shell commands necessary to run your program
# after this line:
$WORKDIR/traine/arcgis-10.1-shell arc-test.py
Create a directory ''/ArcGIS_projects//>'' to store your ''.py'' and ''.qs'' file. This is also the directory you most likely will want to reference for your input and output files. For account ''traine'' in workgroup ''it_css'' we will use ''$WORKDIR/traine/ArcGIS''. Now we can submit our batch run by using
[traine@farber ArcGIS]$ workgroup -g it_css
[(it_css:traine)@farber ArcGIS]$ qsub arc-submit.qs
===== Interactive job =====
All interactive jobs should be run on a compute node by setting your ''workgroup'' and using ''qlogin''. For account ''traine'' in workgroup ''it_css'', the ArcGIS shell was installed in ''$WORKDIR/traine/arcgis-10.1-shell''. The same python script, [[http://docs.hpc.udel.edu/_export/code/clusters/mills/arcgis?codeblock=1|arc-test.py]], used for the [[:software:arcgis:farber#batch-job|batch job]] can be used for an interactive job.
Although there is no GUI with the ArcGIS shell, if it detects that your SSH connection is configured to enable X11-forwarding you will get an [[:software:arcgis:arcgis#troubleshooting | error]] unless you run an X-Windows server (e.g. Xming) or ''unset DISPLAY'' before running the ArcGIS shell.
==== Running X-Windows and DISPLAY set properly ====
The example below shows an ArcGIS interactive job with an X-Windows server running.
[traine@farber ArcGIS]$ workgroup -g it_css
[(it_css:traine)@farber ArcGIS]$ qlogin
Your job 357451 ("QLOGIN") has been submitted
waiting for interactive job to be scheduled ...
Your interactive job 357451 has been successfully scheduled.
Establishing /opt/shared/OpenGridScheduler/local/qlogin_ssh session to host n016 ...
[traine@n016 ArcGIS]$ $WORKDIR/traine/arcgis-10.1-shell
Adding package `x11/RHEL6.1` to your environment
Python 2.7.2 (default, Jun 12 2011, 14:24:46) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> execfile("arc-test.py")
>>> quit()
[traine@n016 ArcGIS]$
===== ArcGIS shell installation example =====
The following example shows the install steps of the ArcGIS shell on the Farber cluster for account ''traine'' in the install directory ''$WORKDIR/traine''. Remember each user must install the ArcGIS shell for their own account. Once the install is complete, the ArcGIS shell (''$WORKDIR/traine/arcgis-10.1-shell'') will only work for the account ''traine'' on Farber.
[traine@farber ~]$ workgroup -g it_css
[(it_css:traine)@farber ~]$ qlogin
Your job 357310 ("QLOGIN") has been submitted
waiting for interactive job to be scheduled ...
Your interactive job 357310 has been successfully scheduled.
Establishing /opt/shared/univa/local/qlogin_ssh session to host n038 ...
[traine@n038 ~]$ /opt/shared/arcgis/bin/install-arcgis-10.1 $WORKDIR/traine
Adding package `openjdk/1.7.0` to your environment
[ArcGIS 10.1 for Server Installation Details]
UI Mode..................silent
Agreed to Esri License...yes
Authorization File......./opt/shared/arcgis/data/10.1/ArcGISforServerAdvancedEnterprise_server_194954.prvc
Installation Directory.../home/work/it_css/traine/arcgis/server
Starting installation of ArcGIS 10.1 for Server...
...ArcGIS 10.1 for Server installation is complete.
You will be able to access ArcGIS Server Manager by navigating to http://n038:6080/arcgis/manager.
Killing 4 process(es) started by the installer...
Patching the init_Xvfb.sh script...
Adding ArcGIS shell startup script. You can run the Python shell with the command
[traine@n038 ~]$ exit
Connection to n038 closed.
/opt/shared/univa/local/qlogin_ssh exited with exit code 0
[(it_css:traine)@farber ~]$
===== Update ArcGIS shell License example =====
The following example shows updating the ArcGIS shell license on the Farber cluster for account ''traine'' in the install directory ''$WORKDIR/traine''.
[(it_css:traine)@farber ~]$ $WORKDIR/traine/arcgis/server/tools/authorizeSoftware /opt/shared/arcgis/data/10.1/ArcGISforServerAdvancedEnterprise_server.prvc
Starting the ArcGIS Software Authorization Wizard
Run this script with --help for additional information.
Product Ver ECP# Expires
arcsdeserver 101 ecp202688495 29-aug-2015
svrenterprise 101 ecp202688495 29-aug-2015
arcgisserver 101 ecp202688495 29-aug-2015
schematicssvr 101 ecp202688495 29-aug-2015
capacitysvr_4 101 ecp202688495 29-aug-2015
svradvanced 101 ecp202688495 29-aug-2015
3dserver 101 ecp354306806 29-aug-2015
spatialserver 101 ecp334244774 29-aug-2015
networkserver 101 ecp024156793 29-aug-2015
imageextserver 101 ecp375117235 29-aug-2015
interopserver 101 ecp633064094 29-aug-2015
geostatserver 101 ecp302546023 29-aug-2015
datareviewersvr 101 ecp096386809 29-aug-2015
geoeventsvr 101 ecp153720790 29-aug-2015
arcsdeserver 101 ecp202688495 29-aug-2015
svrenterprise 101 ecp202688495 29-aug-2015
arcgisserver 101 ecp202688495 29-aug-2015
schematicssvr 101 ecp202688495 29-aug-2015
capacitysvr_4 101 ecp202688495 29-aug-2015
svradvanced 101 ecp202688495 29-aug-2015
3dserver 101 ecp354306806 29-aug-2015
spatialserver 101 ecp334244774 29-aug-2015
networkserver 101 ecp024156793 29-aug-2015
imageextserver 101 ecp375117235 29-aug-2015
interopserver 101 ecp633064094 29-aug-2015
geostatserver 101 ecp302546023 29-aug-2015
datareviewersvr 101 ecp096386809 29-aug-2015
geoeventsvr 101 ecp153720790 29-aug-2015
arcsdeserver 101 ecp056057463 29-aug-2016
svrenterprise 101 ecp056057463 29-aug-2016
arcgisserver 101 ecp056057463 29-aug-2016
schematicssvr 101 ecp056057463 29-aug-2016
capacitysvr_4 101 ecp056057463 29-aug-2016
svradvanced 101 ecp056057463 29-aug-2016
3dserver 101 ecp014449115 29-aug-2016
spatialserver 101 ecp194669772 29-aug-2016
networkserver 101 ecp138127809 29-aug-2016
imageextserver 101 ecp187875580 29-aug-2016
interopserver 101 ecp702896384 29-aug-2016
jtxserver 101 ecp326582940 29-aug-2016
geostatserver 101 ecp060377653 29-aug-2016
businesssvr 101 ecp262072383 29-aug-2016
geoportalextsvr 101 ecp031201190 29-aug-2016
highwayssvr 101 ecp298838744 29-aug-2016