Fri Apr 10 16:36:38 EDT 2020 Adding package `matlab/r2018b` to your environment < M A T L A B (R) > Copyright 1984-2018 The MathWorks, Inc. R2018b ( 64-bit (glnxa64) August 28, 2018 For online documentation, see For product information, visit maxe = 70.0220 maxe = 71.7546 maxe = 70.8331 maxe = 70.5714 maxe = 69.4923 maxe = 67.7814 maxe = 70.5037 maxe = 68.3293 maxe = 69.5694 ... //Skipping 953 similar displays of variable maxe// maxe = 67.4221 Elapsed time is 10023.165546 seconds. avgMaxEig = 69.5131