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technical:slurm:scheduler-params [2019-10-24 09:58] – created freytechnical:slurm:scheduler-params [Unknown date] (current) – removed - external edit (Unknown date)
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-====== Revisions to Slurm Configuration v2.0.0 on Caviness ====== 
-This document summarizes alterations to the Slurm job scheduler configuration on the Caviness cluster. 
-===== Issues ===== 
-==== Users submitting large numbers of jobs ==== 
-===== Solutions ===== 
-==== Configuration changes ==== 
-The following changes to the Slurm configuration will be necessary. 
-=== Addition of GRES === 
-New Generic RESource types will be added to represent the GPU devices present in Generation 2 nodes. 
-^GRES name^Type^Description^ 
-|gpu|v100|nVidia Volta GPU| 
-|gpu|t4|nVidia T4 GPU| 
-=== Addition of Nodes === 
-|Baseline (2 x 20C, 192 GB)|Gen2,Gold-6230,6230,192GB|r03n[29-57]|| 
-|Large memory (2 x 20C, 384 GB)|Gen2,Gold-6230,6230,384GB|r03n[00-23],r03n28|| 
-|X-large memory (2 x 20C, 768 GB)|Gen2,Gold-6230,6230,768GB|r03n27|| 
-|XX-large memory (2 x 20C, 1024 GB)|Gen2,Gold-6230,6230,1024GB|r03n[24-26]|| 
-|Low-end GPU (2 x 20C, 192 GB, 1 x T4)|Gen2,Gold-6230,6230,192GB|r03g[00-02]|''gpu:t4:1''| 
-|Low-end GPU (2 x 20C, 384 GB, 1 x T4)|Gen2,Gold-6230,6230,384GB|r03g[03-04]|''gpu:t4:1''| 
-|Low-end GPU (2 x 20C, 768 GB, 1 x T4)|Gen2,Gold-6230,6230,768GB|r03g[07-08]|''gpu:t4:1''| 
-|All-purpose GPU (2 x 20C, 384 GB, 2 x V100)|Gen2,Gold-6230,6230,384GB|r03g05|''gpu:v100:2''| 
-|All-purpose GPU (2 x 20C, 768 GB, 2 x V100)|Gen2,Gold-6230,6230,768GB|r03g06|''gpu:v100:2''| 
-The Features column is a comma-separated list of tags that a job can match against.  For example, to request that a job execute on node(s) with Gold 6230 processors and (nominally) 768 GB of RAM: 
-<code bash> 
-$ sbatch --constraint=Gold-6230&768GB … 
-All previous-generation nodes' feature lists will have ''Gen1'' added to allow jobs to target a specific generation of the cluster: 
-<code bash> 
-$ sbatch --constraint=Gen1 … 
-=== Changes to Workgroup Accounts, QOS, and Shares === 
-  * Any existing workgroups with additional purchased resource capacity will have their QOS updated to reflect the aggregate core count, memory capacity, and GPU count. 
-  * New workgroups will have an appropriate Slurm account created and populated with sponsored users.  A QOS will be created with purchased core count, memory capacity, and GPU count. 
-  * Slurm cluster shares (for fair-share scheduling) are proportional to each workgroup's percentage of the full value of the cluster.  All workgroups will have their relative scheduling priority adjusted accordingly. 
-=== Changes to Partitions === 
-The **standard** partition node list will be augmented to: 
-Various workgroups' priority-access partitions will also be modified to include node kinds purchased, and any new stakeholders will have their priority-access partition added. 
-=== Network Topology Changes === 
-The addition of the new rack brings two new OPA switches into the high-speed network topology.  The ''topology.conf'' file can be adjusted by running the [[|opa2slurm]] utility once the rack is integrated and online. 
-==== Changes to auto_tmpdir ==== 
-The directory removal error message has been changed to an internal informational message that users will not see.  Additional changes were made to the plugin to address the race condition itself. 
-An additional option has been added to the plugin to request shared per-job (and per-step) temporary directories on the Lustre file system: 
---use-shared-tmpdir     Create temporary directories on shared storage (overridden 
-                        by --tmpdir).  Use "--use-shared-tmpdir=per-node" to create 
-                        unique sub-directories for each node allocated to the job 
-                        (e.g. <base>/job_<jobid>/<nodename>). 
-|job, no per-node|''r00n00''|''/lustre/scratch/slurm/job_12345''| 
-|step, no per-node|''r00n00''|''/lustre/scratch/slurm/job_12345/step_0''| 
-|job, per-node|''r00n00''|''/lustre/scratch/slurm/job_12345/r00n00''| 
-|step, per-node|''r00n00''|''/lustre/scratch/slurm/job_12345/r00n00/step_0''| 
-===== Implementation ===== 
-The auto_tmpdir plugin has already been compiled and debugged/tested on another Slurm cluster.  The code has been compiled on Caviness and to activate must be installed (''make install'') from the current build directory.  The plugin is loaded by ''slurmstepd'' as jobs are launched but is not used by ''slurmd'' itself, so a restart of ''slurmd'' on all Gen1 compute nodes is not necessary in this regard. 
-To make all of these changes atomic (in a sense), all nodes will be put in the **DRAIN** state to prohibit additional jobs' being scheduled while jobs already running are left alone. 
-Next, the Slurm accounting database must be updated with: 
-  * Changes to cluster share for existing workgroup accounts 
-  * Changes to resource levels for existing workgroup QOS's who purchased Gen2 resources 
-  * Addition of new workgroup accounts 
-  * Addition of new workgroup QOS's 
-Adding new nodes and partitions to the Slurm configuration requires the scheduler (''slurmctld'') to be fully restarted. 
-The execution daemons (''slurmd'') on Gen1 compute nodes can be informed of the new configuration once ''slurmctld'' has been restarted using ''scontrol reconfigure'' but should not require a restart.  Finally, the Gen1 nodes can be shifted out of the **DRAIN** state and Gen2 compute nodes can have ''slurmd'' started. 
-The sequence of operations looks something like this (on ''r02mgmt00''): 
-<code bash> 
-$ scontrol update nodename=r[00-01]n[00-56],r[00-01]g[00-04],r02s[00-01] state=DRAIN reason=reconfiguration 
-$ # …update existing workgroups' cluster share using sacctmgr… 
-$ # …update existing workgroups' QOS resource levels using sacctmgr… 
-$ # …add new workgroups' accounts using sacctmgr… 
-$ # …add new workgroups' QOS resource levels using sacctmgr… 
-The updated Slurm configuration must be pushed to all compute nodes: 
-<code bash> 
-$ wwsh provision set r03g\* --fileadd=gen2-gpu-cgroup.conf 
-$ wwsh provision set r03g[00-04] r03g[07-08] --fileadd=gen2-gpu-t4-gres.conf 
-$ wwsh provision set r03g[05-06] --fileadd=gen2-gpu-v100-gres.conf 
-$ wwsh file sync slurm-nodes.conf slurm-partitions.conf topology.conf 
-$ pdsh -w r[00-01]n[00-56],r[00-01]g[00-04],r02s[00-01],r03n[00-57],r03g[00-08] ls -ld /etc/slurm/nodes.conf | grep '_slurmadm *3074' | wc -l 
-$ # …wait… 
-$ pdsh -w r[00-01]n[00-56],r[00-01]g[00-04],r02s[00-01],r03n[00-57],r03g[00-08] ls -ld /etc/slurm/nodes.conf | grep '_slurmadm *3074' | wc -l 
-$ # …repeat until… 
-$ pdsh -w r[00-01]n[00-56],r[00-01]g[00-04],r02s[00-01],r03n[00-57],r03g[00-08] ls -ld /etc/slurm/nodes.conf | grep '_slurmadm *3074' | wc -l 
-Now that all nodes have the correct configuration files, the scheduler configuration is copied into place and both instances are restarted: 
-<code bash> 
-$ sudo cp /opt/slurm-conf/controller/gres.conf /etc/slurm/gres.conf 
-$ sudo cp /opt/slurm-conf/nodes.conf /etc/slurm/nodes.conf 
-$ sudo cp /opt/slurm-conf/partitions.conf /etc/slurm/partitions.conf 
-$ sudo cp /opt/slurm-conf/topology.conf /etc/slurm/topology.conf 
-$ sudo rsync -arv /etc/slurm/ root@r02mgmt01:/etc/slurm/ 
-$ sudo systemctl restart slurmctld 
-$ sudo ssh r02mgmt01 systemctl restart slurmctld 
-Return the Gen1 nodes to service: 
-<code bash> 
-$ scontrol reconfigure 
-$ scontrol update nodename=r[00-01]n[00-56],r[00-01]g[00-04],r02s[00-01] state=UNDRAIN 
-And the Gen2 nodes can have their Slurm service started: 
-<code bash> 
-$ pdsh -w r03n[00-57],r03g[00-08] systemctl start slurmd 
-===== Impact ===== 
-No downtime is expected to be required. 
-===== Timeline ===== 
-^Date ^Time ^Goal/Description ^ 
-|2019-09-09| |Authoring of this document| 
-|2019-10-23|11:00|Changes made|