After loading the Anaconda software, we will want create the Jupyter Notebook virtual environment. In this example we will call it ''jupyter-notebook'', but you are welcome to call it anything you would like. Before creating it, we will want to see what "default" version of Python 3 is available on as part of Anaconda.
After loading the Anaconda software, we will want create the Jupyter Notebook virtual environment. In this example we will call it ''jupyter-notebook'', but you are welcome to call it anything you would like. We will specify a version directory by date ''20240801'' for the installation of the August 2024 Jupyter Notebook virtual environment. This is needed for setting up a VALET package definition, and allows for multiple versions to be installed based on need. You will be asked to ''Proceed ([y]/n)?'' and you will want to choose ''y'' as this is advising you that prerequisite software is also going to be installed.
Now that we know the version of python3 loaded into our environment is ''3.11.7'', we can run the commands to create a virtual environment. We will also specify a version directory by date ''20240801'' for the installation of the August 2024 Jupyter Notebook virtual environment. This is needed for setting up a VALET package definition, and allows for multiple versions to be installed based on need. You will be asked to ''Proceed ([y]/n)?'' and you will want to choose ''y'' as this is advising you that prerequisite software is also going to be installed.
<note>The ''prefix'' show here ''/work/it_css/sw/anaconda-envs/jupyter-notebook'' will need to be changed based on your workgroup and directory names.</note>
<note>The ''prefix'' shown here ''/work/it_css/sw/anaconda-envs/jupyter-notebook'' will need to be changed based on your workgroup and directory names.</note>
===== Using Jupyter Notebook Virtual Environment =====
===== Using Jupyter Notebook Virtual Environment =====
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<note warning>On Caviness you're **required** to run Jupyter notebook on a **compute node**. If you run it on the login node, you could cause slowness or other issues with the login node, and IT might kill your Jupyter Notebook session without warning.</note>
<note warning>On Caviness you're **required** to run Jupyter notebook on a **compute node**. If you run it on the login node, you could cause slowness or other issues with the login node, and IT might kill your Jupyter Notebook session without warning.</note>
==== Requesting an interactive compute node ====
==== Requesting an interactive job ====
In this example we will request an interactive compute node session with 2GB of memory for 1 hour on the ''it_css'' workgroup partition. Also it is important to pass the ''SLURM_EXPORT_ENV=NONE'' when requesting the interactive compute node. It will prevent issues with setting up a clean environment on the compute node.
In this example we will request an interactive job to connect us to a compute node with 2GB of memory for 1 hour on the ''it_css'' workgroup partition. Also it is important to pass the ''SLURM_EXPORT_ENV=NONE'' when requesting the interactive compute node. It will prevent issues with setting up a clean environment on the compute node.
==== Loading the Jupyter Notebook virtual environment ====
==== Loading the Jupyter Notebook virtual environment ====
After the interactive session has been established, it is time to load the Jupyter Notebook virtual environment with ''VALET''. Even though we did this earlier, it needs to be done again since we are now on a compute node.
After the interactive job has been established, it is time to load the Jupyter Notebook virtual environment with ''VALET''. Even though we did this earlier, it needs to be done again since we are now on a compute node.
Once you open the PuTTY, it will show the //Session// window. For the //Host Name(or IP Address)//, you will need to enter the ''<user-name>''.
Once you open the PuTTY, it will show the //Session// window. For the //Host Name(or IP Address)//, you will need to enter the ''<user-name>''.
In addition to your standard connection PuTTY settings, you will need to set up the tunnel setting. This is easily done by loading an existing session you have saved for Caviness and then add the tunnel settings based on the image below. The tunnel setting is found under the Category //Connection -> SSH -> Tunnels//
In addition to your standard connection PuTTY settings, you will need to set up the tunnel setting. This is easily done by loading an existing session you have saved for Caviness and then adding the tunnel settings based on the image below. The tunnel setting is found under the Category //Connection -> SSH -> Tunnels//
Add the **Source port** as ''8888'' and **Destination** as ''r00n50:8888'' as shown in the image above, then click on **Add**. The Tunnel settings are now available to your session, so click **Open** to connect. You may need to enter the password for the Caviness/DARWIN account in the prompted window if you do not have an existing session. These settings are not saved, however it is likely the necessary information to setup the tunnel the next time will change anyway. Remember, this ssh tunnel connection will have to remain open the entire time while you are using Jupyter Notebook.
Add the **Source port** as ''8888'' and **Destination** as ''r00n50:8888'' as shown in the image above, then click on **Add**. The //Tunnel// settings are now available to your session, so click **Open** to connect. You may need to enter the password for the Caviness/DARWIN account in the prompted window if you do not have an existing session. These settings are not saved. However, it is likely the necessary information to set up the tunnel the next time will change anyway. Remember, this SSH tunnel connection will have to remain open the entire time while you are using Jupyter Notebook.
<note important>If you are not able to connect to the Jupyter Notebook session at this point, then you will need to review the prior steps and make sure that you had added and configured the ssh tunnel properly based on your compute node. Remember, the ssh tunnel connection will have to remain open the entire time while you are using Jupyter Notebook. </note>
<note important>If you are not able to connect to the Jupyter Notebook session at this point, then you will need to review the prior steps and make sure that you have added and configured the SSH tunnel properly based on your compute node. Remember, the SSH tunnel connection will have to remain open the entire time while you are using Jupyter Notebook. </note>