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IT RCI shell startup options

Every use who has an account granted on DARWIN will have a ~/.bash_udit file present. This file contains environment variables whose value control customizations added to the shell by IT RCI. Each option is documented here.


Setting this variable to 1 or yes is required to enable the handling of all of the other options present. Any other value will prevent an interactive login shell from effecting the changes or behaviors controlled by the other variables documented here.


For users who are a member of multiple workgroups, the value of this variable indicates which of the workgroups should be treated as the default. A command alias named workgroup will be added to the environment that adds the flag -g $IT_DEFAULT_WORKGROUP to the command: thus, the bare command workgroup will default to requesting the group in IT_DEFAULT_WORKGROUP:

[user@login01.darwin ~]$ which workgroup
alias workgroup='/usr/local/bin/workgroup  -g «workgroup-name»'
[user@login01.darwin ~]$ workgroup
[(workgroup-name:user)@login01.darwin ~]$ 

The value of IT_DEFAULT_WORKGROUP will also dictate which workgroup is displayed as default in the login summary (see IT_WANT_PROJ_SUMMARY below).

If no value is provided for this variable, the first workgroup listed by the workgroup –query workgroups command is assigned to IT_DEFAULT_WORKGROUP.


Setting this variable to 1 or yes augments or produces a workgroup command alias that includes the -c flag to change to the workgroup storage directory ($WORKDIR) when a workgroup is selected:

[user@login01.darwin ~]$ which workgroup
alias workgroup='/usr/local/bin/workgroup -c -g «workgroup-name»'
[user@login01.darwin ~]$ workgroup
WARNING:  Your working directory has been changed to /lustre/workgroup-name
[(workgroup-name:user)@login01.darwin workgroup-name]$ 


Setting this variable to 1 or yes forces interactive login shells to automatically transition to the default workgroup (see IT_DEFAULT_WORKGROUP).


Setting this variable to 1 or yes forces interactive login shells to print a summary of all the user's workgroups to the terminal. The output for each workgroup includes:

The output uses colors and text styling to convey as much information as possible. For example, an xterm-256color terminal can display color gradients on the usage bars, whereas a vt102 or basic xterm has a more-limited color palette that may only show a single shade of green, yellow, or red.