$ date && qsub -l standby=1 -sync y matlab-mcr.qs && date Mon Apr 11 16:25:05 EDT 2016 Your job-array 627142.1-100:1 ("matlab-mcr.qs") has been submitted Job 627142.4 exited with exit code 0. Job 627142.5 exited with exit code 0. Job 627142.3 exited with exit code 0. Job 627142.7 exited with exit code 0. Job 627142.8 exited with exit code 0. //skipped lines Job 627142.94 exited with exit code 0. Job 627142.100 exited with exit code 0. Mon Apr 11 17:10:18 EDT 2016 Perl program to extract maxe from all task files: #!/usr/bin/perl local $/ = undef; #Read file as one string while (<>) { while(/\n(\S+)\s*=\s*(\S+)/g) { $var{$1}.="$2\n" } } chomp($var{'lambda'}); #Remove last \n chomp($var{'maxe'}); @lambda = split(/\n/,$var{'lambda'}); $i = 0; foreach ( split(/\n/,$var{'maxe'}) ) { print "$lambda[$i++], $_\n"; } Use this to gather all the from all tasks for job ID 627142: ./getmaxe *.o627142.* > maxe.data